
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Worst Kind of Regret

  The spilled milk card is prominent in the Tarot. It represents the pile-on of regret and how that can eat at us. But the worst of those reflections is living with the assumption that success is a zero-sum game. That is, another person's success reduces yours. That only happens in the world of illiuson. Their success has notthing directly to do with you. And your success has nothing directly to do with them. Somehow you get that Ah-Ha moment that such a zero-sum belief system actuallyhad short-changed your own success. If you want to turn this situation around pray for the success of others. That will liberate you from them. Tarot Card Reader. Intuitive Career Coach. Medium. Solutions-Based. Discover Your Options Empathy and compassion. No-pressure complimentary consultation about your options. Then, fees custom-made for your budget. For an appointment, please contact or text/phone 203-468-8579.

Not Making Headway in Emotional Healing? Tarot's Hanged Man Card Says "Try Something New"

  Back in the late 1960s when various forms of psychotherapy and self-help modalities went mainstream the optimism was over-the-top. Do ABC or XYZ and you will restructure your psyche.  Yet, here we are and lots of boomers (as well as younger generations who sought professional help or delved into self-help) still haven't healed. Past pain is palpable. Of course, it's getting in the way in the present.  That's where the Hanged Man card from the tarot comes in. Its message is twofold 1) Change is coming and 2) To accomodate it you have to be willing to do tradeoffs. At the top of the list for the latter is to step out of the past. That's because to take full advantage of a fresh start you can't be distracted by what was or have your energy drained by all that chronic emotional pain.  One of my tarot clients put that in simple terms: "I can get go of all that because I now have something solid to replace it." They had left a high-pressure position in managem

Saturday, May 25, 2024 Is World Tarot Day - Learn the Ancient Art Free/DIY

  Gaining awareness through the tarot cards dates back centuries. Back then, to gain that perspective on who you are you would go to a "professional reader." Today, you can become your own tarot reader.  In honor of World Tarot Day, which occurs on May 25th, I share with you two ways you can master the mystical art of tarot reading. One is provided by The New York Times. Yes, that prestigious media institution has published features on the tarot. Here are its celebration of the tarot as a tool for self-understanding and its how-to become your own reader.  A second kind of how-to I created for my clients who felt they wanted to continue on their journey of discovery as their own interpreter of the tarot. Here is that comprehensive  DIY guide. However, you might want to be able to relax and take in a tarot reading from a professional. In honor of World Tarot Day I am providing a 50% discount on all tarot readings during the entire month of May 2024. No minimum or maximum numbe

Conflict and Consequences - What's in the Cards

  The current turmoil associated with geopolitical matters on university campuses is not Counterculture 2:0. That is the message coming up in the pulling of Tarot cards. Above is the symbol in the cards for conflict. Back then in the late 1960s and early 1970s leadership in higher education had essentially been blindsided. In most cases they caved to the demands of the protestors. Penalities inflicted were later rescinded. Constituencies for special interests felt embolded. That was then. Now, whether it had been Harvard or more recently Columbia the ethos is different. Congress has gotten into the act. So has local law enforcement. There is even chatter of lawsuits filed against protestors for misdeeds such as blocking business traffic.  The Tarot warns against the illusion that one's cause is right and society will come to agree. Meanwhile it is dangerous to assume that behavior will be given a free pass.  Tarot Card Reader. Intuitive Career Coach. Medium. Solutions-Based. Discov

Tarot Readers: You Bet, Sometimes, Just Like You, We Opt to Work Under "Sweat Shop" Conditions

Professional services such as finance, management consulting and law are known as "sweat shops." Very recently on  Fishbowl Big Law  there are some comments that law firm Paul, Weiss' Private Equity practice is among the most sweaty. Others note that the firm doesn't really have an PE group, with that kind of work done under the M&A umbrella and the culture varies with who oversees the individual teams. There are partners who are respectful of associates' time and mentor. As with much of what goes on inside organizations and on career paths, the concept of "sweat shop" is misunderstood. When almost-bankrupt Chrysler poached me from financially solid GM, colleagues got very busy with the gossip. They smirked that I was opting for a sweat shop. According to the traditional understanding of sweat shop I was. At GM my hours were 9 to 5 (it was a different time). At Chrysler, as we struggled to save 50,000 American jobs, we rolled in about 7 AM and out ab

The Long Half Life of The Feel-Good (from doing good)

The for-sales could have run on Craigslist for 16 more days.  Then came that Ah-Ha moment. Given the low prices you get for used furniture, even though in excellent condition, why not just donate the barely used innovative bed set, artsy storage chest/prism, snow-removal equipment and karma icons.  I knocked on a neighbor's door. When I described the goodies her face lit up. You bet, she said, her husband would be right down the stairs to bring up their new stuff.  Their five-year-old would tag along with some of her stuffed animals to place immediately in the chest.  That family is delighted. The glow spills over to me. And I need that as I continue to put together the logistics for relocating back to Sierra Vista, Arizona. It's a must move, so soon after coming here to the Midwest.  Those who had heard of me back in AZ have offered me contracts for ongoing tarot reading sessions. The region has three resort areas.  Here there is only one resort area - Geneva on the Lake - and

Wall Streeters, Management Consultants, Lawyers and More: It Might Not Be about Long Hours

  " ... if you have an emotional block or destructive mental loop, you will be out of energetic harmony ... It is easy to be controlled by circumstances. You may react with annoyance or even anger at things that wouldn't normally bother you ..." - Chapter 2, page 26 of "Modern Guide to Energy Clearing" by Barbara Moore, Llewellyn Publications, 2019. The professional anonymous networks such as Fishbowl, Reddit, Glassdoor and Blind are full of tirades about long hours. They are blamed for everything from mistakes in tasks that result in negative performance evaluations to the onset of mental-illness problems. But the issue may not be the hours themselves.  There are those who are genetically configured to not require the usual six to eight hours of shut-eye. An example is chair of law firm Paul, Weiss Brad Karp. He can function on very little sleep and go out into the world in the morning and host three consecutive business breakfasts, then run the shop until lat

Bliss: Laundry Day

  We learn. What is cemented in me now is a lesson from a dying colleague. She gushed at the joy of the tedious task of brushing her teeth. That was because 1) She could still do that self-care herself and 2) How clean and fresh she felt afterwards. I got it. Those duties of daily life which seem so mundane and, yes, beneath us (after all, too many of us are quite overeducated) can be platforms for bliss. One such experience is doing the laundry. If I stuck to the drill of using the residential complex's machines I couldn't extract the magic of laundry day. Instead I drive to the lake area for that. Along the 57 miles I can shake off the obsessions. I gas up at the truck stop and jaw-jaw with the drivers, the tourists and bikers on their hogs. That gets me further out of my too little world. As poet Sylvia Plath put it in the "Bell Jar," I had been trapped in my own bad air. No more. There are yard sales. There are scouts being trained in survival. I hear the waves. Y

Maybe Love Isn't in the Cards

  There could be a downright shift in the culture. That's a move away from the idea, born in the 12th century , that romantic love was the goal of a life lived. Without it the human being cannot be whole. No longer was coupling a primarily economic relationship. More of the clients for Tarot readings are surrendering to the realities that 1) They might never link with a soulmate and 2) They can go on with their lives feeling complete. What is typical is the striver who develops great satisfaction with working or a passion such as amateur competitive sports. They are usually in their late 50s and had previously bought into the mythology that romance was a noble and necessary state of being. Then they connected the dots. The cards confirmed that their path would diverge from that.  In addition, what dilutes the old-line concept of romantic love is that we may be entering the post-monogamy era. Increasingly negotiable in a relationship is being sexually involved with other partners

Yes, Psychics, You Have to Network, Preferably In-Person

On the one hand, there was a major article in the New York Post declaring psychics the new therapists. On the other hand, too many gifted psychics are underemployed, with their only source of revenue working for 20-cents a minute on a call-in line. The usual fee-for-service is a dollar or two or more per minute.  A number of frustrated psychics who know that I am also a career coach have come to me with their employment woes. My answer to them is the same as my answer to all those of all generations who aren't getting work or enough of it or enough at a living wage. That is: Go out there and network, especially in-person. Emailed pitches, a great website, high rankings on search engines, paid advertising and even having followers on TikTok or YouTube probably won't get you too far.  This is post-pandemic. People want to meet back with people. They are even ready to listen. Also, they don't want to be sold to, not in the traditional boring ways. So, you reach out as simply