
Showing posts from October, 2022

Shocked Into Silence - Tarot's High Priestess Card Opens Portal to Listening

  You are notified that you are laid off. You didn't receive the promotion you worked so hard for. After four interviews the company is ghosting you. Therefore, you are as the saying goes  Shocked into Silence.  That's the silver lining in a reversal of fortune, disappointment, and uncertainty. And the Tarot's High Priestess Card opens the portal to how you can begin listening to the messages of the universe. As Kim Huggens explains in the  Complete Guide the Tarot Illuminati : "Perhaps this takes the form of simply listening to another person, listening to one's inner voice, listening to one's intuition, or instinct, listening to silence ..." In that pause can come unique Ah-Ha moments or epiphanies. That kind of insight often isn't available in the noise of routine - and the usual noise in our heads (Buddhists call that "monkey mind").  It is interesting to note that in a seminal interview with  SuperLawyers , Brad Karp, chair

Starting Over Or Just Starting Out - Yes, You Have Permission from the Tarot to Feel Foolish (and, yes, you have the strength to take that leap)

  " ... the Fool [card in the Tarot] represents the chaos and possibility that comes before the beginning of anything." - in Chapter 1 "The Fool, the Infinite Possibility of Chaos," in the book THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO TAROT ILLUMINATI , By Kim Huggens, 3rd Edition. So many don't break free of what is blocking their happiness and could be destroying their health because they don't want to look foolish. Society hates to have us change so it will tend to judge harshly whatever we do in the process. Also, of course, we ourselves hesitate to take on the upheaval that is the core of transition.  Therefore, we tend to stay put.  But if we are fortunate enough to hit bottom we might be ready to consider starting over. Or if we are very young we become willing to start out on what we don't have down cold. The Fool card in the Tarot gives us permission to take that kind of leap. And, even more importantly it reassures us that we have the self-knowledge and the stren

Accepting Your Humanity - Cloud Cards in the Tarot

 You just drew the Ace of Cups in your Tarot reading. What stands right out is the cloud. Does that mean you are in some kind of myopia -that your thinking is cloudy? It is one the myriad ironies of the mystical Tarot cards that the cloud in the Ace cards symbolizes those breakthrough moments in your life. They are filled with information, insight, and inspiration coming out of the blue.  That could be about how to solve a work problem. Sizing up the friendly neighbor's secret agenda. And/or wisdom about managing your investments.  Even more importantly you can become comfortable with everything you don't know and probably will never know. Here's the deal. The cloud also sends the message that so much of your life will involve mystery and that's okay.  For instance, the Ace of Swords signals that in your decision-making there are no absolute right or wrong answers. Instead there is the hard and frustrating task of sorting through all the gray areas. Within those you wil

Halloween Special

Tarot Readings, one-card pulls (with second-card confirmation) and three-card spreads. The Halloween special is sliding-scale pricing. Pay what you can. Also, I can serve your guests at your Halloween special events via Zoom. This kicks in today. For appointment please contact  For entertainmnent purposes only.

Change Welling Up Within - Tarot's Wheel of Fortune

"...change often begins precontemplation, which is before you know that change needs to be made, and moves from there to contemplation, preparation, action, and ultimately through to maintenance ..." - In the Chapter "Wheel of Fortune" in the 2021 book TAROT FOR CHANGE by Jessica Dore.   Many people come for a Tarot reading because they tell me "I don't feel like myself."  Typically they consider that a bad thing. Human beings treasure a sense of being centered in themselves.  But it could turn out to be a very good thing. The need to change could be pushing up from their subconscious. And in the wisdom of the universe that could be directing them into the next phase of a key part of their lives.  The sooner they open themselves to a possible change the sooner they can take on the transition. If they resist that force field they could continue to not feel like themselves and not making progress through the stages of change.  When it comes to a shift in

Pain Is a Terrible Thing to Waste - Tarot's The Magician Card

  "The act of taking something you may have once believed to hold little value - like grief, rage, despair, social anxiety - and using it to move toward something precious is a kind of modern-day alchemy." - In the Chapter "The Magician" in 2021 book TAROT FOR CHANGE by Jessica Dore. In the happy-clappy ethos of America we are boxed into assuming pain is bad. Yet, as we know from our own experience, frequently over and over again, the negative is usually the needed platform for positive change.  Litigation, for example, is expensive, stressful, and unpredictable in its outcome. Those gender discrimination lawsuits such as "Chen-Oster v Goldman Sachs" wouldn't have been filed unless many women (the plaintiff class includes about 1,300 females) were traumatized by alleged inequitable treatment. This coming June "Chen-Oster" is going to trial. It could be a game-changer in gender policies in the workplace.  The challenge is to embrace the reali

Disappointments & Bad Fits - Tarot's Two of Wands

 "It can feel like a cruel joke to get a a taste of something you've spent years longing for, only to realize that it's not what you want at all ... It starts out as discomfort ... it [will] actually hurt." - Chapter "Two of Wands" in the 2021 book TAROT FOR CHANGE by Jessica Dore. The posts on professional anonymous network Reddit Jobs present that kind of pain. There are the graduates of Computer Science degree programs who realize they don't like what the jobs entail. They long for different kind of work.  On Fishbowl Big Law there are the confessions of junior lawyers who after three years of law school, piling up six-figure student loan debt, and passing the bar exam realize that they hate every aspect of practicing law. In my intuitive career coaching practice there are successful middle aged who do not want to be professional sales reps or ministers any more.  The challenge, though, is how to buck the "oughts" of society. Those in the

If It Too Late? - Tarot's Ace of Swords Indicates That Depends

 On Reddit Big Law a single mother in her 30s asks this: After being in public relations related to law should she apply to law school, which would entail a geographical relocation. Here is the thread. The responses coming in are all over the place. That fits in with wisdom of the Tarot. The Ace of Swords transmits the message that there are no right or wrong lessons. Just a lot of grays. For that very reason decisions - at least wise ones - are so difficult to make. I offered no answer to the poster. I only shared my experience. Here it is:  "In my early 40s I switched from communications to attending Harvard Law School. It was not a good fit for me, left as a 1L, and returned to communications. What was a good fit was starting my own communications boutique 14 months later. Maybe that was the change I really needed: Getting out of being a middle manager and becoming an entrepreneur." Exiting law school in the mid 1980s when I was middle-aged didn't block doing stimulati

Job-Changers' Remorse - What the Tarot's Page of Pentacles Has to Say About All That

Right now, remorse among those who had changed jobs is at an astounding high: 72% among young workers, found The Muse.   Actually, I am hearing a lot of that in my intuitive career coaching. When I introduce a Tarot reading in a coaching session, what frequently comes up is the Page of Pentacles. That card symbolizes the necessity to learn new behaviors.  "Tarot for Change" by Jessica Dore discusses the Page of Pentacles as a platform for adaptation. Anything less than adaptation is what the American Psychological Association refers to as "pathology." Well, there seems to be a lot of that along career paths. For instance, on professional digital networks ranging from Reddit to Fishbowl there are outcries about how disappointing, impossible, or unfair the new work environment is.  That's odd. They wouldn't have changed jobs (except for a significant bump up in compensation) if the previous setting had been all that great. The core challenge seems to be the i

Joy - Two of Pentacles in the Tarot Hammers the Need for That in Our Work

  Read professional networks Reddit and Fishbowl. The posters chronicle the drudgery of their work lives. Not only is there a lack of balance. There is escalating urgency to just hightail it out and do something else, just about anything else, to earn enough to pay the bills. Professional life has mutated into the corridor of pain. Here is a typical  thread , which kicks off with: "I really need to focus and grind out a big thing today but I'm just feeling depressed and unmotivated. Can't seem to keep my attention on anything for longer than 15 minutes." What is missing in most of the postings is a sense of joy. That's why the Two of Pentacles keeps popping up in Tarot readings for professionals. The card features a playful creature. That's the juggler. He is actually having fun managing the pentacles. Those, of course, signify in the Tarot business, success, finances, achievement, and values.  With capitalism becoming such serious business it is all t

That Necessary Journey - What the Tarot Hanged Man Card Warns

  here is that poignant scene from the Academy-Award winner  "Nomadland."  Pulling out from Empire, Nevada, Fern's body language messages the pain of having to start over again in the beginning of old age. Her job had gone poof. In addition, her husband recently had died.  Here  is a trailer. Although I will be pulling out of this desert town on the border of Mexico because of business success, not a reversal of fortune, it has been equally soul-wrenching. As with Fern, it is a have-to. And I am no longer young. Let’s back up. Here I was. I was losing sleep. My one-year-old finches Magic and Mystic would never be able to make that cross-country car journey to where I had to journey. I posted a plea on a local network for good adoptive parents. I didn't like the ones who had applied. Then into the email parachuted Amy. She and her husband had constructed in their Bisbee, Arizona home an aviary. Magic and Mystic could fuse their joyous singing with other birds. They wou

Tarot's Eight of Cups Card - Yes, Walk Away, But Not So Fast

 Many who come for Tarot readings are relieved when the Eight of Cups card comes up. It confirms for them that they are moving their lives in the right direction by deciding to walk away from X or Y. Or perhaps they have already done that. But, a subtext of the messaging of the Eight of Cups is this: Own the past. Part of the process of walking away is reviewing what had gone before in order to derive the lessons to be learned. There are no mistakes in the Tarot. Only lessons to be mastered. One client (identity disguised) had been euphoric about extricating himself from a romantic relationship that had not been fulfilling for several years. However, what was obvious was that he would replicate what hadn't worked unless he could own the patterns which had sucked him in and kept him locked in emotional chains (the latter came through in the Devil card). Among what he discovered was his absolute need to project onto that other human being his image of the ideal soulmate. Of course,

The Tarot and The Question: Should We Change, Can We Change

 I am a Tarot reader. Of course, I believe in the messages of the cards, ranging from The Fool to The Devil, that we can and should change. In the 2021 book "Tarot for Change," Jessica Dore explains how that can unfold and what usually blocks it.   But not everyone has the mindset that we do change. In a provocative article in The New Yorker, Joshua Rothman delves into the issue if who we are as human beings is set in childhood. And that's that. He admits there are myriad points of view on that.  But in professional life - and most of my clients come to me for guidance on careers - it has become a platitude that we must change and keep changing. Part of that, as we hear on CNBC, is that business must be done differently. So many workplaces are in chaos struggling to do just that. Employees are being reprogrammed. If that doesn't take then they are out the door.  If it's accurate that we don't really change then what is going on is acquiring window dressing to

Tarot Card Two of Cups - Beware Bliss

 The Two of Cups in the Tarot warns of projection. That's the blissful fantasies we human beings conjure up about people, places, and things. Those range from our new romantic interest to a getaway we just purchased in the Hamptons to the job we started.  The reason we do that is to ease the transition from where we were in our lives to where we are. Very functional, right. That is, if we can navigate from that state of bliss to realities. If we can't we find we wind up, at the very least, disappointed. At worst, we could short-change the current potential. We can blow up the promising relationship. We can wind up not leveraging the house in the Hamptons for unique business entertainment. And, like so many on Reddit Jobs we can hate what we do to earn a living.  The insight from the Two of Cups guides us to enjoy the bliss. That is analogous to the so-called "Pink Cloud" in early sobriety. It serves an important adjustment purpose. But we have to come to recognize th

Tarot Readers - We Are in the Business of Hope

  " Young adults in California experience mental health challenges at alarming rates, with more than three-quarters reporting anxiety in the last year, more than half reporting depression, 31% experiencing suicidal thinking and 16% self-harm, according to the results of a survey commissioned by the California Endowment." -  Yahoo News,  September 30, 2022. Clearly California as a symbol of a youth utopia (and a Paradise for those who think young) has mutated into a downright scary - and unaffordable - brand. That shift is a microcosm of what is happening nationally. That darkness is so pervasive that I joke that the business of my Tarot Reading enterprise is hope. Essentially that's what I am selling. Increasingly, human beings' ability to hold on is becoming wobbly.  A major driver for despair is the compulsion to compare yourself to others in their careers. By contrast, you don't feel you measure up. The universal lament is that you should be "further along