
Showing posts from September, 2023

Running Low on Hope - Bring Hope to Someone Else

“What the world is missing today is hope. I see more fear than anytime in my business career.” — CEO of BlackRock Larry Fink.  Quoted in MarketWatch , September 2023 The majority of those coming for Tarot readings speak so much like Larry Fink. With all the hardships of the 21st century they voice they are low on hope and fear that they won't be able to halt the fear.  However, the Wheel of Fortune card sends the message that everything changes. Actually that's the surface lesson. Beneath that is the directive: You can change things and for the better.  That usually starts by simply getting out of yourself. Fear locks you in. Alcoholics Anononymous has as one of its 12 steps the need to reach out and feel responsiblity for helping others. By doing that you will help yourself. Christianity has the same message. So does the mysticism of the Tarot. There's the old joke: If you're within yourself you are hanging around a bad neighborhood.  Tarot Card Reader. Intuitive Caree

Beyond the Extreme Relief of Walking Away

  The dominant fantasy in these overwhelming times is: Walking Away.  No surprise, the Card signaling that direction comes up frequently in the Tarot readings in 2023. It feels so good to even envision leaving behind the current pressures, hurts, setbacks and regrets. But the real message of the Walking Away card is that it is only the beginning of the journey into the unknown. Sure, there could be plenty of planning about the Next. But there is that time-worn adage: Mankind plans, the gods laugh. The reality is that you don't know what will unfold.  What I advise in Tarot readings during this stressful era is to take things slowly. The "price" of relief from Walking Away could play out to be very high. An option is to address what is triggering your distress. Small modifications can often solve big problems.  Tarot Card Reader. Intuitive Career Coach. Spiritual Guide Don’t Give Up Before the Miracle. No-pressure complimentary consultation about the answers you need.

Lost - That Opens You to Allowing Others to Find You

  A meme that comes up a lot in the Tarot is: LOST.  The Two of Wands is among those Tarot cards. Wands stand for energy. Water stands for emotion. In this situation the water is calm. This human being is getting ready to find his way. He longs for a fresh path. He's open to guidance. He does not feel shame that he is, you got it, lost. Therefore, the Two of Wands celebrates self-awareness, receptivity and hope. Come the Three of Wands and that signals that this man is on his way. He embraced the help offered to him. The disconnect in that very positive scenario is that, face it in hard-charging America, there is a reluctance to admit that you are lost. Even to yourself. That means you aren't opening up to new direction. There's also a superb distaste for the possibility that you will take a few wrong turns in the road to where you can be. Yet that happens all the time. To ready yourself for what could be ahead, light a small white candle. Stare in the flame. Feel the distr

Beyond Rationalism & Tech

  The Tarot transports you beyond the evidence-based. And for the next generation there can be fun without digital.  A life is what you put together. Tarot Card Reader. Intuitive Career Coach. Spiritual Guide Don’t Give Up Before the Miracle. No-pressure complimentary consultation about the answers you need. Then, fees custom-made for your budget. For an appointment, please contact  or text 203-468-8579.  

Capitalism Doesn't Promise You a Job

  Capitalism as an economic system has gotten quite brutal. And its principles are difficult for those coming for Tarot readings to absorb. They are working three jobs to hold off homelessness and can't get their heads, hearts or souls around that. Why is it so hard, they ask. As I set out the Tarot cards the message has become increasingly pragmatic. Capitalism doesn't promise you anything, including not a job or that three jobs will bring some sense of financial security. I introduce strategies to navigate to where the well-paying jobs and gig assignments are. That's what it takes. Those might require working for free to grab experience, becoming certified or licensed and/or operating several micro businesses. To refine my Tarot reading skills I performed extensive pro bono work on the border of Mexico. You bet, it is a hustle. Spirituality might deliver inner peace but it takes more than that to get, hold and move on to better work.  Capitalism is a raw individualistic s

Crazy Economy and More: Change Before You Have To

  This week on LinkedIn a communications player posted that, in terms of business, mostly everything had frozen up. Then they went on to discussing new tactics for business development. Given that generative AI is probably going to blow away 80% of bread-and-butter communications work, I would have advised a career change - even though that process is no walk in the park. Here is the article I published on that in  O'Dwyer PR. But even before that I, like a Greek Chorus, would have chanted the message of the Tower card: Change Before You Have To. That time edge eases so much of the ordeal of transition.  If you wait until the tower comes down there will be a glut of those with your experience and skills chasing the same opportunities. An example of that had been the carnage in the legal sector 2008 - 2009. Those who were determined to hang on, not searching for options to their current job, couldn't find comparable work when laid off. Among them were those who had to do surviva

Happiness, Success and Much More - Not Where Your Head, Heart, Soul Should Be

  The genius of the Tarot deck is its embrace of human reality.  A core principle is this: Everything changes. That's the specific message of the major card - The Wheel of Fortune. Therefore, it's a waste of energy to reflect too much on what is. That could be happiness and success or, in contrast, fears and losses. The cycle of coverage by the media integrates that. A story will headline for so long and then go poof. In itself that highlighting has changed the situation. For example, there had been a frenzy of news articles about Bob Iger's return to Disney for a second term as CEO. However, putting him back in the spotlight very quickly shifted the attention from praise for his previous accomplishments to a new scrutiny of his track record and hammering the challenges he faced and questioning if he was up to all that. In engaging in Tarot readings for those in distress it brings comfort when they realize everything keeps changing. What they feel today about their situatio

Love Is about Behavior, Not Feeling

America is still hung over in the excess attention paid to feeling that the Counterculture unleashed. We boomers were socialized that nothing else mattered except how we felt. Of course, that seeped into relationships. And talk of "love" was everywhere. And that talk was all about feeling. Yet, love is embedded in action. It's the behavior which discloses the quality of the attempted union.  The genius of The Lovers card in the Tarot is that it highlights the disconnect between the two focused on partnering. From the moment the umbilical cord is cut human beings are a separate entity - and spend a life attempting to restore that connection with another human being.  Of course, never will there be the total oneness of what was in the womb. But a deep bonding can be created and sustained through how we treat the "other." Yes, it's through our actions.  Yet, in Tarot sessions there is too often a compulsion to talk about feelings. I have to gently push to move

Feeling Like You're Falling Off the Cliff and The Extreme Optimism of The Fool Card

  It's an upside-down time. Or so it seems. Those coming for Tarot readings frequently are overwhelmed with what they have to do to just earn a living. Never mind going for a promotion.  The rules keep changing.  You're supposed to protect your mental health but do too much of that and you could be forced out.  To just hang on to what you have you have to learn (fast) new software.  You've become a manager, with no training.  A stunner, you are called into HR and they tell your expertise is no longer needed. Don't they know who they are talking to ... When The Fool's card comes up during the Tarot, they exhale - automatically. The message embedded in The Fool is that it's probably necessary to look foolish - both to yourself and maybe a whole lot of watchers out there. That's part of the process to keep doing a reset for the current work world. That applies to getting a job, keeping your job, figuring out how to navigate to a better job, adding on gigs for m

You Got Laid Off at Big Law - Really, You Don't Have to Get Frozen in Time

Despair is the default mindset for most of those cut loose from Big Law.  During the meeting with Human Resources and a partner, the lucrative compensation, prestige and crack at stimulating assignments went poof - at least for the time being. Too often those axed remain emotionally stuck for too long or even until they retire or die. Continually they replay what they could have, should have done. The bad news is that you are likely to do that. Humans tend to be wired that way. The good news from the Tarot is that you don't have to get stuck in a time warp. Immediately you can parachute into strategies of how to extract what's marketable from that experience and get out there and sell it. For example, no one can take away from you that you have Big Law experience. Inventory your skills. Study help-wanted ads to connect the dots on what is needed and what language you can use to align your unique experience with that.  The ethos of the mystical Tarot is inherently optimistic. Th

Please, Not So Intense - Save Your Career, Your Relationships, and Life Itself

In his 2023 bestseller on how to get unstuck - "Anatomy of a Breakthrough" - Adam Alter patiently explains why intensity is undermining just about everything which matters to you. Of course, he anticipates you won't believe it. In the Chapter Exhale he reads your mind: "If you don't love the hustle, if you aren't working a hundred hours a week; if you don't eat, breathe, and sleep triumph, you are destined for the minor leagues. If you don't want to get stuck, don't stop moving. In fact, don't slow down, because slowing down is stagnation's cousin." Then Alter focuses the chapter into persuading you on the importance of, well, not being so intense. Such a mindset and pacing can trigger lousy decision-making, lack of emotional control and, yes, getting stuck.  Come on, you have to agree that the current form of getting stuck is burnout as well as damaged relationships and health problems including obesity and problem drinking. It migh

Center Park, Youngstown, OH - Culture of Caring

 Little things. Like flipflops left behind or a 2-inch metal truck. Those are placed on a picnic table in Center Park in Youngstown, Ohio. They could have been tossed in the trash. Or shipped off to the lost-and-found few have the time to check out. Instead, someone bothered ... That attention signals real caring about the community. And that's a core message of the Tarot. Embedded in every card is the mysticism of protection. Yes, even when everything seems to have collapsed (Tower Card) the universe is looking out for you as you rebuild. In addition The Fool's card reassures you that you have the strength and courage to take calculated risks. In our routine lives - when no dark clouds are moving in - we can create a culture of caring through little things. Let the time-pressured with only a few items ahead of us in the line at the store. Offer to walk the dog of the elderly woman upstairs during the snow storm. Establish a program to collect day-old goods from supermarkets to

Psychic Services - Like So Many Other Sectors, We Have to Specialize

 Overall, psychic services has been a growth industry. Statistica Research documents that it has hit the $2 billion mark in revenues.  However, there have been threats to that abundance. They range from generative AI which can provide readings free or at a low cost to inflation which sucks off funds going for necessities which could have been spent on a one-to-one personalized session. Through trial and error what I have discovered is the need to specialize. In both my own private practice and in contracting assignments I kept shifting from being generic to a narrow focus on psychic career coaching. Both during peak times and off-hours the demand was solidly for the latter.  Recently I have revamped my promotional material and arrangements with the organizations in which I am vendor to be only about career matters. Business is steady. You bet, I am sticking with being a niche service provider. Tarot Card Reader. Intuitive Career Coach. Spiritual Guide Don’t Give Up Before the Miracl

Raw Morality Tale for Era with Broken Moral Compasses: Binge-Watching "The Shield" (2002 - 2008)

Traditional social mores have gone poof. That's one reason there isn't more of a grassroots push for severe penalties for shoplifting. So many of us are reeling. We don't really know how to assess our own and others' values and actual behavior. Therefore, it could be a good investment of time to binge-watch the seven-season television series "The Shield" (2002 - 2008) which is on Hulu. In it the main character street savvy hard-charging Vic Mackey has an amazing track record for solving tough cases and for arrests in an urban area which has seen better days. However, those ends, it is played out, don't justify the means. Mackey ignore procedures, uses excessive force, conducts reckless shoots, and dips often into the cookie jar. Add onto that murdering a fellow detective who is investigating him on stealth basis.  So many cards in the Tarot message that meme of the ends not justifying the means. They range from Justice to The Seven of Wands. SPOILER ALERT