Not Making Headway in Emotional Healing? Tarot's Hanged Man Card Says "Try Something New"

 Back in the late 1960s when various forms of psychotherapy and self-help modalities went mainstream the optimism was over-the-top. Do ABC or XYZ and you will restructure your psyche. 

Yet, here we are and lots of boomers (as well as younger generations who sought professional help or delved into self-help) still haven't healed. Past pain is palpable. Of course, it's getting in the way in the present. 

That's where the Hanged Man card from the tarot comes in. Its message is twofold 1) Change is coming and 2) To accomodate it you have to be willing to do tradeoffs. At the top of the list for the latter is to step out of the past. That's because to take full advantage of a fresh start you can't be distracted by what was or have your energy drained by all that chronic emotional pain. 

One of my tarot clients put that in simple terms: "I can get go of all that because I now have something solid to replace it." They had left a high-pressure position in management consulting which ate at their soul and health and started up a successful residential cleaning service. 

Incidentally essentially the same applies to romance. Broken hearts can begin to heal when those in pain open themselves up again to new relationships. The energy required for the search leaves no room for dragging along the earlier hurt like a sack of rotting meat. 

Tarot Card Reader. Intuitive Career Coach. Medium.

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