Saturday, May 25, 2024 Is World Tarot Day - Learn the Ancient Art Free/DIY


Gaining awareness through the tarot cards dates back centuries. Back then, to gain that perspective on who you are you would go to a "professional reader." Today, you can become your own tarot reader. 

In honor of World Tarot Day, which occurs on May 25th, I share with you two ways you can master the mystical art of tarot reading.

One is provided by The New York Times. Yes, that prestigious media institution has published features on the tarot. Here are its celebration of the tarot as a tool for self-understanding and its how-to become your own reader. 

A second kind of how-to I created for my clients who felt they wanted to continue on their journey of discovery as their own interpreter of the tarot. Here is that comprehensive DIY guide.

However, you might want to be able to relax and take in a tarot reading from a professional. In honor of World Tarot Day I am providing a 50% discount on all tarot readings during the entire month of May 2024. No minimum or maximum number of minutes for a reading. Just mention this link to obtain that discount.

Tarot Card Reader. Intuitive Career Coach. Medium.

Solutions-Based. Discover Your Options

Empathy and compassion.

No-pressure complimentary consultation about your options. 

For an appointment, please contact or text/phone 203-468-8579.


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