Conflict and Consequences - What's in the Cards


The current turmoil associated with geopolitical matters on university campuses is not Counterculture 2:0. That is the message coming up in the pulling of Tarot cards. Above is the symbol in the cards for conflict.

Back then in the late 1960s and early 1970s leadership in higher education had essentially been blindsided. In most cases they caved to the demands of the protestors. Penalities inflicted were later rescinded. Constituencies for special interests felt embolded.

That was then. Now, whether it had been Harvard or more recently Columbia the ethos is different. Congress has gotten into the act. So has local law enforcement. There is even chatter of lawsuits filed against protestors for misdeeds such as blocking business traffic. 

The Tarot warns against the illusion that one's cause is right and society will come to agree. Meanwhile it is dangerous to assume that behavior will be given a free pass. 

Tarot Card Reader. Intuitive Career Coach. Medium.

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