Wall Streeters, Management Consultants, Lawyers and More: It Might Not Be about Long Hours

 " ... if you have an emotional block or destructive mental loop, you will be out of energetic harmony ... It is easy to be controlled by circumstances. You may react with annoyance or even anger at things that wouldn't normally bother you ..." - Chapter 2, page 26 of "Modern Guide to Energy Clearing" by Barbara Moore, Llewellyn Publications, 2019.

The professional anonymous networks such as Fishbowl, Reddit, Glassdoor and Blind are full of tirades about long hours. They are blamed for everything from mistakes in tasks that result in negative performance evaluations to the onset of mental-illness problems.

But the issue may not be the hours themselves. 

There are those who are genetically configured to not require the usual six to eight hours of shut-eye. An example is chair of law firm Paul, Weiss Brad Karp. He can function on very little sleep and go out into the world in the morning and host three consecutive business breakfasts, then run the shop until late in the business day.  

But there are also those - and they are in greater number - who learn to balance their energy so that when they have to put in seemingly impossible hours they can do so. Perhaps that's for the long term as do the top tiers of professional services. Usually, though, it will be for just enough time in their careers to be able to exit to a less demanding niche in a position of strength. 

Creating such a balance has no right or wrong answers. Everyone is different. However, there are some fundamentals. 

They are depicted in the Tarot card The Star. Two messages dominate that card.

1) The people know who they are. That is, they are transparent to themselves. The New York Times documented that the Tarot unleashes this ability to know who you are. No, they do not have to explain who they are to others. Actually, that's not recommended.

2) From the get-go or along the way they recognized that how they use their energy has to be aligned with who they are and the situations they choose to enter. The two intersect. The ambitious might conclude that they can maintain the pace of Wall Street. It turns out they can't and they are on the professional anonymous networks warning that they are losing their minds. 

The state of energy has so many different forms. 

One is the stagnant kind. Usually that is an outgrowth of being locked in a fixed idea, especially about the past or what should be. Those folks tend to be stuck. 

Another is the assumption that high energy is an absolute and will be rewarded by the system. Many on the top such as partners on a law firm exhibit that intensity. Because it is draining they tend to lack emotional control. That makes it hard to attract loyal associates who will do the best for them. What should have gone smoothly rarely does. Ironically, some in the spiritual movement praise this kind of high vibration. Yet it is a standard attribute among my clients who get forced out, are passed over for promotions and can't land comparable jobs. High vibrations can be alienating. 

A third is being only able to operate with the gear of low energy. Those are the complainers who assert that they are maintaining their boundaries and protecting their mental health. Soon enough they are put on PIPs (Proposals to Improve Performance). 

The good news is that balance is not only possible but can be rewired into a human being. 

Among the ways to balance or what is called "energy clearing" are the following tactics. A number of them are recommended by Barbara Moore. One might do the trick. 

Visual meditation. Light a small candle. Look into the flame. Draw a circle in your mid section. Add a handle on the right. That lets out the stagnant energy and opens to what level of vibrations fit what it going on out there. If you anticipate an all-nighter, let in more energy. That prevents you from concluding wrongly that you can't handle the pace, making errors and lashing out. You will have adequate energy to get through the situation, then you can make longer-term decisions later. You don't want to burn bridges. 

Movement. Already standard in myriad hard-charging professions are exercises like running, working out, yoga positions, bicycling and walking. There is the old adage: Move a muscle, change a thought.

Water. The transformational power of that is symbolized in the religious act of baptism. The simple secular version is to wash your face and hands. More and more executives have showers in their offices. 

Fire. Those of you who have consulted psychics know the power of burning what no longer has a place in your life. The weight of the past can be trapping you in stagnant energy. Often writing down limiting beliefs and then setting that to fire can open you up to choices about how to use your energy.

Surrender. This is the core step in Alcoholics Anonymous for psychic restructuring. You admit that there is something bigger than yourself. That could be called "Spirit" or "God." In itself that lifts the burden for having to be in control of the entire universe. That's a big job and usually you are not being paid for it. Just be responsible for your own job. There will be no wasted energy.

Humor. The joke could be on you if you are leveraging your energy in ways that do not serve your professional goals. Stop that. The root cause tends to be co-dependency or an obsession with external validation for your sense of self.

More and more in chatter among the higher-ups are conversations about subordinates' energy level. Manifesting the wrong kind of energy can bar you from getting in. Once in you have to take on the appearance of how those in power are manifesting energy. But you never have to actually buy in. Know who you are, what energy level you operate at and what you want long term. Position and package that for yourself and you won't implode or be stuck in what you can't or don't choose to sustain.

Tarot Card Reader. Intuitive Career Coach. Medium.

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