
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Tarot - You Don't Have to Believe Anything

  "The cards have meanings, but they often shape-shift, so depending on the context, a card may appear in the form of an aid, charm, talisman, or benediction."  From the Chapter "What is Tarot?" in the 2021 book TAROT FOR CHANGE by Jessica Dore.  Here  it can be ordered from Amazon. Too often, unfortunately, confidence in the mystical  Tarot  is shaken because clients receive a range of interpretations from several psychics when the same card is pulled. For example, the first card in the major arcana is The Fool. Sure, there are traditional ways to read any Tarot card. Typically The Fool card sends the multi-layered message of acceptance of risk, new beginnings, and ability to cope with any bumps on the road of the new journey.  But that messaging could veer off in whole other directions. One could warn of recklessness that will not end well.  Such a deviation from the norm depends on these variables: The reader.  The more experienced and insightful the more there c

Lawyers, Trials, and The Tarot

 The evidence-based profession of practicing law and the mystical force field of the Tarot are not mutually exclusive. A number of lawyers looking for an edge seem to know that. Yes, as a Tarot reader I receive calls from lawyers before, during, and after their trials.  From the get-go I clear up one key point: No, I am not a clairvoyant. That is, I cannot predict outcomes. I can only discern the energy around a situation. And what I pick up is not necessarily destiny. Actually, most human beings come to a Tarot reading to become aware of possibilities, providing the opportunity of changing them, if that seems useful.   Recently (this is a composite in order to conceal the actual identity) a lawyer engaged in a employment lawsuit asked me about how the evidence or lack of that was being presented. The issue was: How is the judge and jury assessing that material, by both parties. Based on what the Tarot was picking up the lawyer modified aspects of his strategy, including the tone. The

Laid-Off - 3 Counterintutive Strategies for Bouncing Back

  The platitude in healing circles is that we Americans have a tough time admitting that we are in pain. However, that isn't the reality in the current plague of layoffs. Those I coach and provide Tarot readers to  know  they are in pain. Lots of it. That ranges from anxiety about landing comparable work to shame about losing a job. For them the situation is how to manage that pain. Here are 3 proven steps to begin that journey. SELF-COMPASSION The first and most important step is an ability that most in America don't have. That's self-compassion. In  "Tarot for Change"  by Jessica Dore that's assigned to the Strength card. It takes strength to love ourselves enough to take care of ourselves when The System says we haven't measured up (at least not enough to keep that job). So absent is this trait from our menu of healing that there is even the guide  "Self-Compassion for Dummies"  by Steven Hickman. Sure, we can detail what we might have done or

The Zen of Selling in 4 Steps

 What sales representatives and those in the loop for that broad continuum of what we think of as "marketing" aren’t experiencing challenges in this perfect storm of an economy. That’s obvious. So, what to do new or do the status quo differently? Way back in recovering times after The Great Recession - 2016 -  Entrepreneur  ran an article on the Zen approach to sales. The focus was on how to manage the myriad variables that can’t be “controlled” in the selling process. Currently, of course, it seems everything is beyond the control of the salesforce. That makes Zen a must-consider. So, what is "Zen?" A simple but profound understanding is presented by  Science ABC : " ... [Zen] centers on a personal relationship with your own mind, and a higher, undefined entity outside of yourself. “ Yes, Zen is both an inside job - focusing in on one's mind - and an external reach to what is, including the existence of a force field beyond what the consensus is about &quo

Sigmund Freud Is Back - But For Tarot Readers His Concepts Never Went Underground

  The Freudian approach to therapy caught fire in America in the mid-20th century. We boomers, The First Therapy Generation, flocked to be psychoanalyzed. How we talked in public about what our psychanalysts said mirrored a The New Yorker cartoon. For three times a week for three years David W. Harder, now retired from a professorship in psychology at Tufts, guided me in unlocking my unconscious. I have a hunch that all became imprinted on my neural networks.  No surprise, I currently work full-time as a Tarot reader. Just like the psychoanalyst we Tarot readers struggle to open the clients’ unconscious so that they can gain insight and modify behavior. In April 2021  The New York Times  reported that use of the Tarot can be a tool for self-awareness and introspection. This morning I worked with a client whose father had died in a car accident. As Freud hammered, I emphasized there are no accidents. We dug into the possibility of a passive suicide. For years ago I was stuck in

You Don't Have to Put Off Healing Because of Your Budget: DIY Tarot Readings

 My mission as a Tarot reader is to help suffering human beings help themselves. That's why, if asked, I provide a tutorial on how each of you can become your own Tarot reader.  Here is the short version. But it is all you need. Purchase Tarot Deck.  Since you are a beginner, start out with the deck most newbies use. That is the Smith-Waite Tarot Deck. On Amazon it costs $17.96.  Here  you can order. Decks are also available for sale in metaphysical shops such as  Strega  in Sierra Vista, Arizona. Call those shops ahead and see if they stock the cards. Seek Access to Guides about Interpretations.  There are no absolute interpretations of how to read any of the 78 Tarot cards. That's the strength of this tool for self-awareness by opening the door to the unconscious or what is sometimes called the subconscious. All readings happen through the unique intersection between that particular human being and the universe.  However, when beginning it can be useful to sample interpretati

My Tarot Startup - It Turns Out Not to Have Been Beginners' Luck, Soon Enough Maybe I Can Pull the Plug on Social Media

  There are those whose brandnames are so powerful that their activity on social media attracts plenty of followers, likes, comments, reposts, and established media coverage. Who comes to mind, of course, is Elon Musk.  Then there are others who have achieved enough success that they wake up one morning and realize this: No longer do they have to participate in all those social media activities. Instead they are freed up to focus their time, energy, and creativity on their own core businesses or jobs. Sure opportunities could come from all that social-media involvement. But they can sit it out. And, what a relief it must be to not have to perform the analogy of gladhanding on LinkedIn. Note how these prominent names in law have relatively few LinkedIn followers: David Sanford of Sanford Heisler - 1,289 Joseph F. Rice of Motley Rice - 361 Jon A. Ballis of Kirkland & Ellis -1,749 Brad Karp of Paul Weiss - 1,650 As yet, I am not there. I still put in my time posting, liking, making th

Tarot's Three of Cups - Needing "Permission" to Experience Joy

  Ginni Rometty  had held a variety of leadership positions at IBM during some challenging times. What Didn’t Catch Fire (at least not yet) Therefore we might have assumed that if she published a book after she hung it up, the memoir would catch fire. That hasn't seemed to happen, at least not yet. That is despite the fact that a target market for the book includes IBM employees, past and present. Current  employee count is 345,000 . The numbers from the past are massive. Millions. Yet,  "Good Power,"  published March 7, 2023, has only 27 reviews. That is unusually low for a major player. Shouldn’t more folks have lots more to say? What about the millions who did entire careers at IBM before its no-layoff policy went extinct? What about the vendors? The week it came out the Amazon rankings were in the 500s. Very quickly those plunged to 4,735. Keeping Our Sad Story To Ourselves Since I had been a former IBM full-time employee and then a consultant I had to figure this out

Mysticism of Tarot No Refuge from Having Down Cold Tech

  Online collaboration Data Analysis Design Project Management. Knowing Your Way Around The Apps There are apps for all of those and more.  The Wall Street Journal  reports that those hiring increasingly demand not only tech competencies. They require expertise in applying their advanced features. No longer, for example, can you submit a simple nuts-and-bolts presentation. What is probably expected is that you create a gee-whiz one with Canva. Interestingly, even in the tradition-bound legal sector, in  Leaders Magazine  Paul Weiss chair  Brad Karp  discusses how the law firm is adopting tech-supported collaboration tools empowering quality and timeliness in this hybrid work world. That's in addition to parachuting in AI for legal and knowledge management tasks. Support staff I coach in law firms tell me how they have to keep up with the ever-changing software. Speed in use is expected. Implications, Ranging From Job Search To Compensation Therefore, resumes should list proficienci

Wellness - First Stop May Be at The Psychic, Not The Massage Therapist

   "Psychic mediums are the new wellness coaches." -  The New York Times , March 19, 2019.  What is driving this movement? What isn't! There's a convergence of so many trends. Data Smata At the top of the list is the loss of confidence in rationalism. Over and over we are learning that we have to trust our gut or intuition more and expert opinion and even data lots less. Recall how those scientific polls were so wrong about the Midterm elections.  The challenge, though, is to be able to re-awaken our intuition. That's what we psychic mediums help you with.  Family-of-Origin Issues Along the way, of course, we continue to make it possible for you to message with those humans and pets who have crossed over. There could be plenty of unfinished business there. Messaging back and forth can finally resolve the family-of-origin issue. Self-Awareness A second driver for you to seek the guidance of a psychic medium is to find out who you are, right now. A major reason, I h

Weird Times Zen

   "It isn't what it was." That's what I am hearing from my intuitive career coaching clients, both here in the US and in Canada. Universally they are gazing with horror at their businesses in January 2023. The lens they are using are the results from much better times. For many of them those had been 2021 and early 2022.  I address them the same way a sports coach approaches an athlete frozen in self-consciousness and fear. That is the Zen concept of Changing the Channel in Your Head. Be in the moment. Not more than a year back.  An actual tennis coach puts it this way: Hit the ball coming at you right now, not the one you hit brilliantly yeserday or missed a game back. That's  the wisdom of Tim Gallwey in  "The Inner Game of Tennis."  Next, the client and I play with what strategies and tactics can be rolled out or improved in the now.  Of course, in some high-profile lines of work being in the here and now is tough. The media outlets are all there tro

Now That Banks Are on Our Minds - George Bailey Was So Blessed, He Knew He Belonged

  "I don't belong." That's typically the lament which surfaces when the Ace of Pentacles comes up in a Tarot reading. At least that’s a core interpretation by Jessica Dore in the 2021 guide  “Tarot for Change.”  That is, the longing to be a part of. Not feeling like you belong can be among the most painful human experiences. That's one reason why the film  "It's a Wonderful Life"  continues to resonate. That dates way back to1946 when it was produced. In essence, George Bailey, a building and loan banker, has been blessed. He knows he belongs to the community of Beford Falls and its economic future, the financial institution’s customers, his family, and his belief system which includes acceptance of what isn't evidence-based. That sense of being a part of is what helps save him (along with the nudges of Clarence Oddbody) when he stumbles into despair. During the Tarot reading clients also can pick up on what bonds them. There is always attachment

Forming a Business Partnership - The Lovers Card in the Tarot Has Lots for You to Factor in

 At the core, partnerships in business are relationships. That means they entail all the challenges of what goes on in most human relationships. So, it should be no surprise that  The Balance  documents that up to 70% of those go kaput.  Much research has been done on this. One interesting bit of that comes from The Lovers card in the Tarot. The messaging applies to all kinds of unions, not simply the romantic kind. In  TAROT FOR CHANGE,  by Jessica Dore, there is this insight: "... it seems worthwhile, when preparing to enter into a partnership ... to consder: What lessons and skills am I ready to learn? ... Willfully enrolling in the lessons we most deeply need is a frightening prospect ..." The takeaway is: Partnerships should change you. If they don't they likely are doomed to fail. At the very least you have to be willing to see the business as the partners do. Also you have to feel their feelings. You don't have to agree. But you have to understand.  The number-

Post-SVB - The Pain Default

 Pain gets attention, as do most negatives. In the 2021 book  TAROT FOR CHANGE , Jessica Dore hammers that in her chapter "Three of Cups." Ranging from the media to the neighbor down the block who got laid off the focus is on pain. Especially currently in this uncertain economy.  Joy is not welcome. Often it can't even locate a point at which to enter the conversation.  With all the doom and gloom among my former colleagues in communications (ad spending keeps declining) I hestitate to describe my success in the career shift to intuitive coaching, includingTarot reading. I have a sense that will be interpreted as boasting. Yes, quite unwelcome. So, how to re-introduce joy? The answer: Not directly. Instead create the aura of joy. Exude the grace you have received in parts of your life, be they in personal close relationships or your ability to still earn income from work.  That can be contagious. And we sure need it. After communications expert  Paul Chaney  was laid off

Nostalgia - So Dangerous in Matters of the Heart

  "The present isn't always an easy place to be; it takes skills to be here. Skills that, like all abilities, require practice and usually some unlearning."  - From the Chapter "Five of Pentacles" in the 2021 book  TAROT FOR CHANGE  by Jessica Dore. Tarot readings about relationships have to move into the now. Gently. That's all about the Five of Pentacles.  Most of the reflection, inititally, is stuck in the Six of Cups, that is the card of nostalgia. There are the warms and fuzzies of bliss, willingness to trust, broad acceptance, and the fantasy that all of that will be sustainable. Yet, those wanting a relationship reading come because that phase is over. The present is troubled. It takes the ability to be open and analytical to reach into the dynamics of where the connection is. Of course that represents letting go of the memory of the early days of perfection. The experience tends to be hardwired in the unconscious. .  So, I ask: What do you want?  Tha

Wonderfully Imperfect - Pema Chodron Gives You Permission to Not Be Compassionate

  Last May American Buddhist nun  Pema Chodron  delivered her last public talk at the Omega Institute. Currently she is on retreat in Colorado. But the  Chodron Foundation  reminds us that Pema is with us in spirit.  We can connect with her through her videos (many of them available free on the Internet), books, lectures, and messaging at Buddhist centers around the world. A core meme put out there by Pema has been how we human beings come together via adversity. Our own ordeals teach us compassion for the pain of others.  Scientific researchers call that capacity for empathy the result of our  mirror neurons.  Renaissance poet John Donne put it this way:  No man is an island .  And, since its  beginnings in 1875 by Jewish lawyers,  elite law firm Paul Weiss has had the mission of social justice. Then, and as  JSTOR Daily  chronicles, well into the 20th century, Jews had been locked out of the WASP legal establishment. More recently the current Paul Weiss chair Brad Karp had organized

Nine of Cups - Leveraging Perfectionism as Your Defense Against Being Simply Human

  "You developed a protective strategy commonly known as perfectionism, which means you organize your life around avoiding contact with any potential indications of being inadequate, defective, or unlovable." -  In the Chapter "Nine of Cups" in 2021 book  TAROT FOR CHANGE  by Jessica Dore. Some employers may embrace perfectionists. They're the ones who are locked into compulsive work habits. When others have signed off for the day they are still at it. But those who care about you see the dark side of the striving to be perfect. In a letter to,  the widow of law firm suicide Gabe MacConaill - Joanna Litt - blamed the death on maladaptive perfectionism. He not only took on all the tasks of his tough job. He was determined to do every bit perfectly.  Litt has an interesting observation. In the letter she notes: "Maladaptive perfectionists lack self-compassion." Likely MacConaill couldn't admit to himself - never mind his superiors or clients

Laid Off From Wall Street: Expect Tarot's Fool Card To Come Up

 Wall Street careers are shaped by success in sizing up and exploiting risk. Now, with the ongoing layoffs, those financial professionals who are now jobless hit up against risk that's personal: Figuring out how to land and hold comparable jobs. There are bills to pay. There is a new professional identity to graft on. Suppose a former Goldman Sachs financial professional came for a Tarot reading. There are no coincidences. What is a likely pull is The Fool card. Its core message is being bold but calculating about risk. To do that, explains Jessica Dore in the 2021 book  "Tarot for Change,"  you have to ditch preoccupation with what others might think or say.  Specifically Dore notes: "You have to get out from beneath the structure of ideas about what's orderly. You have to get okay with looking silly and being misunderstood." Often the worst source of guidance during unemployment are those on what your network used to be. Smart is reaching out to a whole ne

The Lovers Card - Not About Romantic Bliss, But Brutal Lessons Learned

So many badly bruised former lovers come for a Tarot reading. Usually they're not seeking closure. Instead they are entertaining the magical thinking that the bliss which could had existed will return. So, when The Lovers card comes up, they are elated. Gently, we Tarot readers warn the energy around The Lovers card is about learning. Because the experience of romance is so intense, the lessons are unique. They entail layers and layers of emerging truth. In addition, they can't be ignored. My message: You are blessed now that you have received these teachings. Now you can have the knowledge base to unite with your actual soulmate. The film  "True Things,"  streaming on Hulu, illustrates that. The plotline focuses on a disconnected benefits clerk Kate in a sleepy British seaside town. She is bumping up against early middle age. She pays little attention to her job and the superiors notice and give warnings. Then into her cubicle about his benefits comes an ex-con

To Heal, You Decided You Need to Change Careers - The Ordeal Could Prevent That

 It seems that your healing mandates you try out another career. However, that transition can be brutal.  Here is my thought leadership article published in O'Dwyer's Public Relations. Tarot Card Reader. Medium. Intuitive Career Coach. No-pressure complimentary consultation about what you want. Then, fees custom-made for your budget. For an appointment, please contact  or text 203-468-8579.