Yes, Psychics, You Have to Network, Preferably In-Person

On the one hand, there was a major article in the New York Post declaring psychics the new therapists. On the other hand, too many gifted psychics are underemployed, with their only source of revenue working for 20-cents a minute on a call-in line. The usual fee-for-service is a dollar or two or more per minute. 

A number of frustrated psychics who know that I am also a career coach have come to me with their employment woes. My answer to them is the same as my answer to all those of all generations who aren't getting work or enough of it or enough at a living wage. That is: Go out there and network, especially in-person. Emailed pitches, a great website, high rankings on search engines, paid advertising and even having followers on TikTok or YouTube probably won't get you too far. 

This is post-pandemic. People want to meet back with people. They are even ready to listen. Also, they don't want to be sold to, not in the traditional boring ways. So, you reach out as simply being there. That is, becoming a known entity in the circles you travel.

At the gym, the new kind of town center, let them know you are a psychic. 

You offer the political group of your choice to assist with fundraising by providing complimentary psychic readings. They might just go for it. You put your cool business cards on the table when doing the volunteer work. 

Shop in-person. You will run into lots of people.

You show up at spiritual retreats and make a real effort to know people. 

You hunt for the head of psychic fairs. And become a regular.

When at a party, bring along your cards or other mystical aids. Pass along that you are available for pay-what-you-can readings. 

Provide in-person workshops.

Deliver lectures on mysticism at senior centers. 

Also, the old-fashioned showing-up is back. You can research resort areas and upscale bars near you, for example. Go in, with a fun informative graphically attention-getting backgrounder, and offer a complimentary reading to whomever. Be perky. Ask for a trial run at their hospitality piece of heaven. The usual split is 30 or 40 for them, 60 for you. If the person hiring isn't there cheerfully ask when you can come back.

In addition, create brilliantly designed interior space in your residence to provide readings. As with retail, make the sessions an experience. Yesyesyes, feature the Buddhist gong, candles, incense and, if the visitor wants, background music. 

For coaching about establishing and promoting your practice please contact or phone/text 203-468-8579.


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