
Showing posts from September, 2024

Beyond the Toys: For Boomers, It Will Come Down to These Last Two Things

  "The last boomer competition is not just about how long you live. It is also about how you die." - Michael Kinsley, "Old Age: A Beginner's Guide,"  Published by Crown, 2016. As a tarot reader, of course, I channel into those energies which cluster around the mystical end-of-life dynamics.  The oldest of boomers is 78. Since they made it "that far" they tend to experience a sense of triumph that they are still here and many peers aren't. Part of that smugness is the assumption that they will be also blessed with an easy transition from this dimension to the whatever.  Sure, there is the very human denial of death. But mixed into that is the need to know a bit more about when the passage will take place and how. So here we are: It's the seminal tarot reading between me and the boomer.  Ethically I have to handle that probing very carefully. It is downright wrongwrongwrong to share insights, if not asked.  When asked, you bet, I also must be mas

Hard Landing - Is That Now in the Cards?

  The adage is: We learn the most from our clients/customers. That applies to tarot readers. More and more of my clients for tarot readings are telling me about their financial distress. In most situations that downward trajectory went into play abruptly. Things were fine. Now, things are not fine. So, it's time for all of us to look at where we are in this volatile economy. Some have done just that such as Danielle DiMartino Booth. They warn of a possible hard landing .  A major red flag is, no surprise, the job market. Those white collar full-time ones are vanishing and those who land one are experiencing a longer wait time to be hired - 27 weeks. Earning a living is mutating into getting part-time or gig work. Right now 28.2 million are doing just that, the highest number since the 1960s. The result? A hit to consumer spending which accounts for the major driver of GDP.  The tarot is about self-awareness, which becomes the platform for developing solutions. Clients take the pain

RTO - What's in the Cards?

  Junior lawyers, management consultants, content-creators, software developers and those in a growing number of other sectors wonder: Is the Amazon shift from hybrid to five-days-a-week in the office a sign of what is to come?  This is a central issue that those coming for a tarot reading ask about. Overall, there has been an abrupt change from wanting to focus on relationship matters to what it will take to hold onto a job - or get hired. Meanwhile, on professional anonymous network Fishbowl Consulting there's this posting: "How likely is it that most firms force a return to office 5 days a week in 2025? Terrified of this" I don't predict the future. But in channeling into the energy (and connecting the dots on trend reports) I pick up that, given the return to employer power post-pandemic, total RTO is in the cards. LinkedIn reports: "Nearly 80% of CEOs believe their hybrid employees will be back in the office full-time by 2027, according to a new survey f

Olivia Nuzzi and So Many Others: All for Love

  In the tarot The Lovers card sends the message of danger. On the left, for example, is the snake. In addition there is the existential problem that humans are separate beings. There will always be points of disconnect.  Simultaneously, though, there are the many symbols for the things that make us feel very good. Look at the signs of growth and abundance. And all too often, as in the alleged situation New York Magazine political reporter Olivia Nuzzi, feeling seems to dominate. Go for it. NPR reports: "The magazine  said in a statement Thursday  that Washington correspondent Olivia Nuzzi had violated its standards around conflicts of interest and disclosures by engaging in a relationship with a “former subject relevant to the 2024 campaign” while reporting on the election." The speculation is this: Crossing of the line happened with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  The comedies of William Shakespeare feature how love is blind. As such, it gets the myopic into many ridiculous context

Aging, Invisible, Muted

More of the clients for my tarot-reading practice are over-50. They have no pressing matters. Essentially it's about just having someone focused on them, listening deeply. With aging in America, which can begin in the 40s but hardens over-50, often comes the cruel phenomenon of being pushed out of sight and rendered mute. Family could be there but usually by that phase in a person's life those members are immersed in their own all-consuming problems. At best, they half-listen. Even prominent players such as media genius Rupert Murdoch could experience a diminished presence. In addition, right now he is battling it out with family members in court. The future is with the latter, not Rupert.  The aging financial disruptor Leon Black got plenty roughed up.  Among other negative profiles, the media depicted him as there is no fool (for love) than an old fool. Had he been younger, perhaps there wouldn't have been that pile-on. Oprah seems to be fighting for relevance by the high

Love May Be in the Cards - But That Doesn't Make the Journey of the Heart Easy at Work (and beware of being an office spouse)

Typically the majority of tarot readings are about intimate relationships. More of them focus on romances in the workplace. With longer hours mandated to be put in, the office is where it is increasingly probable Cupid will shoot his arrow. Also more employers are caving to this reality. With the exception of manager-subordinate relationships work romances usually are being allowed. But, first check the employee handbook. However, as The Wall Street Journal documents, affairs of the  heart in the workplace are complex.  At the very least, they can be a distraction. Not only for the lovers but also for others at work. There is the issue of the office-wide gossip about the affair, which sucks time away from tasks. There is also the tension generated by the couple when there are problems. Co-workers can wind up walking on eggshells. More serious is the possibility of legal action for alleged sexual misconduct.  Long term can be the horror of having to go into work every day and encounter

Like Athletes, Kamala Harris Has to Change the Channel in Her Head During Debate

 The fans are cheering or booing. Opponents want them to fail.  What about the whopper of a mistake they made two days ago.  And, oh the shadow of the coach/manager hovering over.  All that potentially could throw athletes off their game. They miss hitting the ball. They fumble passing the ball. They blow the freethrow. They fall on the ice.  The way disciplined athletes manage all that external stimuli and intrusive mental chatter is what is called "changing the channel in their head." Almost mystically they empty themselves of what could be a distraction and focus completely on their own game. That process is captured in the classic "The Inner Game of Tennis" by W. Tim Gallwey. For peak performance in tennis Gallwey mandates being in the zone with the ball coming at you right now. Not the one you hit so well or missed three minutes ago. Or your good or bad season two years ago. Empty all that out. To be at her own version of peak performance during tomorrow's

Volatility as New Normal - Five of Cups Symbolizes Extreme Danger of Being Caught in Time Warp

  Time, at least in terms of a public life, could have been suspended for billionaire Leon Black. That began clocking in around June 2022. First the time warp was set in play by his association with convicted sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein. Then it could have become a permanent force field through a lawsuit by former mistress Guzel Ganieva. Unfortunately Black added to it by tossing his own legal grenades.  But currently  Crain Currency  only devotes 48 words to that strange interlude in an article covering Black's latest financial venture. It starts out: " ... [Black] has opened a branch of his family office in Abu Dhabi, expanding his global reach.The billionaire’s Middle East outpost, called Scimitar, is investing with a locally based team led by financier Asad Hussaini, who was previously with a firm focused on real estate opportunities in the Gulf region."  It is likely in the short term future articles will sum up that bit of the past in even fewer words. Or not me

You're on the Way to Exam But Can't Remember Room Number ...

  "I'm in my 70s and am still having those nightmares about school stuff. Being late. Not studying for the exam. Can't find the room where the LSAT is being given." I hear that often during tarot readings. Not only are those dreams vivid but there tends to be an emotional hangover the next day. Clients want to know how to stop them. The good news is that they can be halted or at least reduced in intensity, reports Rahul Jandial, MD, PhD in his breakthrough book "This Is Why You Dream."  Simply repeat positive affirmations before hopping into bed.  They, for instance, could take the form of "I will not be held hostage to my student days." After doing that for a few weeks I haven't had a dream associated with school since. Interestingly that seemed to have freed up my brain to focus on other dream tasks such as healing the relationship with my mother who passed over way back in the 1980s. However, the bad news for all of us in developed economie

Manifesting - Getting Beyond the Pain, Opening to the Magic

  Top 10 lawyer in the United States John Tarantino had emerged as a global spiritual guide with his 2023 Ted Talk "Redemption Stories."  So far that "parable" has had 23 million views by those seeking direction and healing.  In the early 21st century, as a legal blogger, I had covered John in the courtroom. More recently, as a full-time tarot reader, I cover this transformation into what I understand to be a kind of "secular priest."  This summer John has presented in Belfast the talk "Think Manifestation."  He digs into the complex mystical subject of how our thoughts, visually positioned and packaged as impassioned acts of faith, can and often do influence outcomes.  A boomer, he provides the story of his mother who, years ago before fertility clinics, was informed by the doctor that she wouldn't have children. She manifested a family. A year later John was born, then later his siblings.  In the tarot the card which symbolizes to me manife