Like Athletes, Kamala Harris Has to Change the Channel in Her Head During Debate

 The fans are cheering or booing.

Opponents want them to fail. 

What about the whopper of a mistake they made two days ago. 

And, oh the shadow of the coach/manager hovering over. 

All that potentially could throw athletes off their game. They miss hitting the ball. They fumble passing the ball. They blow the freethrow. They fall on the ice. 

The way disciplined athletes manage all that external stimuli and intrusive mental chatter is what is called "changing the channel in their head." Almost mystically they empty themselves of what could be a distraction and focus completely on their own game.

That process is captured in the classic "The Inner Game of Tennis" by W. Tim Gallwey. For peak performance in tennis Gallwey mandates being in the zone with the ball coming at you right now. Not the one you hit so well or missed three minutes ago. Or your good or bad season two years ago. Empty all that out.

To be at her own version of peak performance during tomorrow's debate, Kamala Harris has to do the same emptying process. Despite the myriad predictions of her opponent's behavior there is really no telling what will be coming at her in the moment. She has to be totally there. Not preoccupied with what went down on CNN. Or a real connection during an interview a couple of days ago. Or even what a coach might have made a mandate.

In the demanding field of content creation that's called the "creative trance." 

In dealing with the complexities of litigation, Paul Weiss chair Brad Karp labels it experiencing an "epiphany." That's usually late at night. A solution always emerges.

In overwhelm about where to locate my intuitive coaching/tarot-reading practices I got on the right track through deep meditation. That tamed what is called the "monkey mind."

Harris' challenge is tough: to be in each moment of those 90 minutes. That's longer than what former quarterback Tom Brady had to pull off during a 60-minute game. 

Jane Genova * Tarot Card Reader * Intuitive Coach * Medium.

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