Post-Human: Your Perfect Soulmate for the Holidays

Of course, during this holiday season there is the poignant ramping up of calls to me for tarot readings to deal with the lack of connection. Eventually the solution could be not talking it out but talking directly to an AI soulmate. And that's that for the need for intimacy and companionship. Bloomberg News points out that kind of relationship is already possible. Those who develop an AI love connection are even getting married to that avatar. The beef about embracing such an approach to connection is that it can prevent creating human connections. Typical is the warning from tech big wigs : "Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt warned that artificial intelligence chatbots could increase loneliness among young men who prefer AI-powered 'perfect girlfriends.'” However, relationships via AI are not necessarily mutually exclusive. During the AI interactions the humans can boost their own Emotional Intelligence to the point that it is possible to add on a conventional conn...