Tarot Readers Are Writing Social Prescriptions

 Spirituality, prayer, even psychotherapy. Often that's too abstract and too isolating for those in pain. 

That's why some of us tarot readers have been writing "social prescriptions." Those are very concrete social approaches to transcend suffering. 

"A social prescription is officially defined as a nonmedical resource or activity that aims to improve a person's health and strengthen their community connections."

That's what Julia Hotz writes in her 2024 book "The Connection Cure: The Prescriptive Power of Movement, Nature, Service and Belonging."

And the prescription is nothing new. 

For decades psychiatrists, ministers and community "shamans" have been recommending to widows in grief to get a job in a crafts store or animal shelter. When there were book stores the number-one suggestion was there. For the depressed join a gym. No, don't purchase equipment to use at home. For those who had lost that big job help with the resumes of unemployed veterans. And, of course, get out of the house, where they are taking in their own bad air, and into the outdoors with others. Sign up for the biking or hiking club.

Since the 1930s, twelve step program Alcoholics Anonymous and its offshoots like Co-dependents Anonymous have put diseases of addiction in remission through fellowship, that is a deep feeling of belonging. The price of admission is simply to have the willingness to come to meetings.

What is new is that in this medicalized sedentary era there are fewer willing to have the social prescription filled. Either the expectation for relief is that it will be from a doctor's prescription pad. Or that the solution will involve too much of a shift out of comfort zone. The routine has been daily acceptance of misery. Keep doing isolated screen time through social media and streaming. 

In my in-person tarot readings, after the formal session is over, I provide the time to ask the client for three actionable takeaways. The message is: The burden is now on you to heal. So what concrete steps will you take?

At home after you meditate, ask yourself the same questions: What now will you do?

Jane Genova * Tarot Card Reader * Intuitive Coach * Medium.

Opening Yourself to Relief from Suffering.

Deep Listening and No-Nonsense Direction

For an appointment, please contact janegenova374@gmail.com or text/phone 203-468-8579.


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