Semiretirement: Grafting Back on Pieces of You Lost During the Career

For those blessed with the ability to let the career go, semiretirement can be a time of emotional and spiritual abundance. If you play it smart in the labor market it can also provide a sense of financial security - at least as long as you continue to bring in income from work. That's the semiretirement dynamic: ensuring the continual inflow of revenue from laboring at something, anything. 

That is symbolized in the tarot by the Seven of Cups. The card represents the new access to almost limitless choice. The world has opened to you in unexpected ways.

The abundance can happen because you are empowered to transform back into the human being who might have lost so much control during what a career can do to you.

In some Native American tribes there is this belief: Trauma or even simple adversity takes away a piece of you. If you are willing to surrender to an awareness of that loss the part can be grafted back on. Again you are whole + there is the gift of having learned important lessons about the nature of work.

During the past three years of semiretirement I have been blessed to undergo those rituals of restoration. 

Among the missing pieces had been from the brief contract work experience with law firm Paul Weiss. During that interlude I was still, at least in my head, The Professional Woman. Yes, obsessed with The Career. 

From the get-go Spirit signaled it wasn't a fit. By time I exited from that force field already sawed into my soul had been a hole. 

Among my current choices is being able to ignore money as marker. I can seek doing labor which I treasure and which doesn't render me into a kind of human with "moth holes" throughout my being. In the tarot that ability to enjoy work is represented by the Seven of Pentacles. 

The mystical tarot messages optimism about returning to the person you once were before attaching to a career so one-dimensionally. 

The first step is taking ownership of the suffering. 

Next is getting it that you deserve abundance. To do that you have to learn to love yourself totally. Capitalism seems wired to steer you toward messages that you don't measure up as you are. 

Jane Genova * Tarot Card Reader * Intuitive Coach * Medium.

Opening Yourself to Relief from Suffering.

Deep Listening and No-Nonsense Direction

For an appointment, please contact or text/phone 203-468-8579.


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