Post-Human: Your Perfect Soulmate for the Holidays


Of course, during this holiday season there is the poignant ramping up of calls to me for tarot readings to deal with the lack of connection. Eventually the solution could be not talking it out but talking directly to an AI soulmate. And that's that for the need for intimacy and companionship.

Bloomberg News points out that kind of relationship is already possible. Those who develop an AI love connection are even getting married to that avatar. 

The beef about embracing such an approach to connection is that it can prevent creating human connections. Typical is the warning from tech big wigs:

"Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt warned that artificial intelligence chatbots could increase loneliness among young men who prefer AI-powered 'perfect girlfriends.'”

However, relationships via AI are not necessarily mutually exclusive. During the AI interactions the humans can boost their own Emotional Intelligence to the point that it is possible to add on a conventional connection - that is, with a human. They enjoy both the virtual and the flesh-and-blood affairs of the heart. What I am finding is that AI encounters can provide "starter" experiences in how to open up to intimate emotional possibilities. 

There is always the danger, though, of losing the ability to tolerate and negotiate the imperfections of us human kind. Those observing homo sapiens, ranging from Jesus Christ to William Shakespeare to Carl Jung, have continually pointed out our less-than-noble characteristics. That's exactly why societies set up legal systems. Sophisticated ones provide both plaintiff firms such as Motley Rice and Sanford Heisler and defense ones such as Kirkland & Ellis and Paul Weiss. 

Meanwhile, on a non-legal basis, so much of my tarot work deals with decisions if clients want to "put up with" their heavily flawed lover. 

The post-human option can push society to throw in the towel on acceptance of what it is to be human. There would be a flight into fantasy relationships which can become accepted as "the real thing."

Or, there could be a giant leap in the learning experience of how to attach. Actually, it's a re-learning one. 

Attaching is first introduced to us in childhood through our stuffed animals, dolls and pets. Then adversity can drive us back into ourselves. An AI connection can seduce us out of self-imposed isolation. 

Jane Genova * Tarot Card Reader * Intuitive Coach * Medium.

Opening Yourself to Relief from Suffering.

Deep Listening and No-Nonsense Direction

For an appointment, please contact or text/phone 203-468-8579.



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