Damn It, Why Can't You Forgive Yourself!

 So much of the chatter about mental health has to do with lowering the escalating level of clinical depression and anxiety. But what is really percolating in the collective unconscious is an epidemic of shame. 

In a Tarot reading that comes up with the Five of Cups card. Most of us know that as The Spilled Milk card. In this situation the obsession from the past which human beings can't shake is: shame, including the obsessive kind.

In my intuitive coaching and in participating in 12-step program sessions I bump up against taller and taller walls of shame. Because of those they are unable to zero in on and go after potential in the present. Yes, this is a form of being stuck.

The first step around those walls is self-forgiveness. That requires self-love. That is, the acceptance of all of you. Your all includes strengths, talents, and the shadow side. 

In her teachings American Buddhist nun Pema Chadron always hammers: Start on work on yourself where you are. Not where you would like to be. Yes, the journey away from the walls of shame kicks in with embracing who you are right now.

Self-acceptance is the prerequisite for building self-love. In April 2021, The New York Times saluted the Tarot as a useful tool for self-awareness. 

Tarot Card Reader. Medium. Intuitive Career Coach.

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For an appointment, please contact janegenova374@gmail.com.


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