The Elite Psychics - Cassanda Vanzant Provides Solution for Getting Clarity, Finally

 Ever since The New York Times saluted the Tarot in April 2021as a tool for self-awareness and introspection, there has been massive interest in psychic readings. More recently the media designated psychics as the new therapists.

However, that left those seeking guidance in a pickle. The issue is: How to select a psychic who is 1) authentic 2) caring and 3) will provide the results you need. 

Long-time psychic Cassandra Vanzant observed that confusion. Her Ah-Ha moment was to develop a fresh approach to the "delivery" of the psychic connection. That is The Elite Psychics. 

Excited about this breakthrough development in psychic services, I requested an exclusive interview with Vanzant. 



Q: With all the internet psychic sites to choose from, what makes your site, The Elite Psychics, different?

A: I’ve worked for quite a few of these psychic online companies. Most prefer quantity over quality. Out of the platforms I’ve worked on, only one asked me to do a sample reading. Within The Elite Psychics, I personally interview the prospective reader and for those I feel will be a good match, I have them perform a mini reading. I am literally and figuratively, “keeping it real.” I want the prospective client to feel comfortable that they are paying for and in turn, receiving great services through experienced, real, caring, intuitives.

Q: So what is The Elite Psychics all about then? What are your main goals and objectives?

A: The Elite Psychics are here to guide you along your journey towards your best life. This includes helping achieve forward momentum through uplifting support allowing you to feel more focused and present in your everyday life.

This is accomplished through a variety of categories a client can choose from such as: help with love and relationships; psychic and tarot readings; spiritual counseling; angel readings; animal communication; mediumship readings; numerology; dream interpretation; past life readings; career paths; and finances. We even have a Shaman to help interact with the spirit world.

I’m keeping my reader-base smaller than the other companies. Instead of having 100’s of readers to choose from, my clients will have a group under 25 choice-psychics to select from for their needs.

Q: What about you? How long has Cassandra Vanzant been in the psychic business and how did you get started?

A: In the early 90’s, I was in a car accident where I had a near death experience. I died and came back – changed. A dear friend of mine taught me to read the tarot cards and to help me hone into that “change”. A few years later, I decided to try professionally reading and I began on the 800 number psychic lines. This business has come a long way since then. 

Over the years, I still kept my day jobs and continued readings in different avenues. The internet really broke open a huge arena for psychic reading platforms and I tried a lot of them. I really had the best of both worlds as I could keep my day job and work from home at night. The only issue was the low pay and if I wanted to really make any money, I would need to work longer hours. The pay was very low – it amounted to around twenty-five cents per minute. I really don’t believe the pay has gone up but a little bit from that now. I value my readers as much as my clients and pay more than the regular industry standards. I feel it’s important for readers and clients alike to “own” their worth.

Q: So, one could just go to The Elite and choose from the available readers?

A: Yes. There will be a photo as well as a biography, and the price for the call. But, I also have The Elite Psychics YouTube channel where I will be interviewing the readers, and having live shows where someone could call in for a question they have. Also, on BlogTalkRadio, there will be short podcasts with the intuitives so the listener can get to know them better.

I’m planning on having classes for a client to choose from. These will be pre-recorded video or audio instructions on certain subjects clients wish to learn. These would be purchased individually and studied at your own pace.

Q: What a breakthrough in psychic services. Tell us how we can reach you.

A: The website is:  

     To reach me:      cassandra@theelite


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