Forming a Business Partnership - The Lovers Card in the Tarot Has Lots for You to Factor in
At the core, partnerships in business are relationships. That means they entail all the challenges of what goes on in most human relationships. So, it should be no surprise that The Balance documents that up to 70% of those go kaput.
Much research has been done on this. One interesting bit of that comes from The Lovers card in the Tarot. The messaging applies to all kinds of unions, not simply the romantic kind.
In TAROT FOR CHANGE, by Jessica Dore, there is this insight:
"... it seems worthwhile, when preparing to enter into a partnership ... to consder: What lessons and skills am I ready to learn? ... Willfully enrolling in the lessons we most deeply need is a frightening prospect ..."
The takeaway is: Partnerships should change you. If they don't they likely are doomed to fail. At the very least you have to be willing to see the business as the partners do. Also you have to feel their feelings. You don't have to agree. But you have to understand.
The number-one obstacle is that humans bring into the new the patterns of their earlier relationships, including the dysfunctional ones.
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