My Tarot Startup - It Turns Out Not to Have Been Beginners' Luck, Soon Enough Maybe I Can Pull the Plug on Social Media

 There are those whose brandnames are so powerful that their activity on social media attracts plenty of followers, likes, comments, reposts, and established media coverage. Who comes to mind, of course, is Elon Musk. 

Then there are others who have achieved enough success that they wake up one morning and realize this: No longer do they have to participate in all those social media activities.

Instead they are freed up to focus their time, energy, and creativity on their own core businesses or jobs. Sure opportunities could come from all that social-media involvement. But they can sit it out. And, what a relief it must be to not have to perform the analogy of gladhanding on LinkedIn.

Note how these prominent names in law have relatively few LinkedIn followers:

David Sanford of Sanford Heisler - 1,289

Joseph F. Rice of Motley Rice - 361

Jon A. Ballis of Kirkland & Ellis -1,749

Brad Karp of Paul Weiss - 1,650

As yet, I am not there. I still put in my time posting, liking, making thoughtful comments, and replying to the replies to my comments. But I am heading to the Promised Land of post-social media.

See, in 2022 I made the shift from the glutted and threated by generative AI field of writing. I replaced that worsening horror with intuitive career coaching and Tarot readings. 

At first I assumed it was beginners' luck: Both niche businesses took off. But then they kept growing. They remain on an upward trajectory.

My objective is to create self-sufficient lines of work that allow me to take the off ramp from those digital conversations. No more expressing that we are "thrilled" to be, for example, delivering a talk at X or Y conference.

The exception might be to post now and then on a Human Resources issue which impacts the present and future of work. A pressing subject is the misuse of Proposals for Improvement of Performance (PIPs) for stealth layoffs. That tool had been designed to save jobs, not destroy them.

A horrific side effect of being a "regular" on social media, especially LinkedIn, is that we become sitting ducks for sales pitches. Those often happen immediately after we let in a new follower. My gallows humor is this. There I am drowning. A new follower tries to sell me a life preserver. First, I delete their name in the Network section. Then I sink gently into the night.

I enjoy building my two businesses. I know I have "made it" when I go online in the AM and not check how I am doing in social media. Already I no longer do search engine optimization. Work comes in from word of mouth and fixed contracts with coaching/tarot-reading firms. Incidentally, kinds of AI can kill off search.

Tarot Card Reader. Medium. Intuitive Career Coach.

No-pressure complimentary consultation about what you want. Then, fees custom-made for your budget.

For an appointment, please contact or text 203-468-8579.



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