The End of Professional Arrogance: AI, Trump Administration and More

In the tarot the predator card is represented by the miscreant making off with swords. Swords symbolize the ability of the human intellect. And so much of mankind's inhumanity to each other takes the form of cognitive manipulation and downright oppression. 

In too many of tarot sessions clients recount to me the cruel mental arrogance of superiors, co-workers, the smug, the wealthy, dean/professors in higher education and more. Until recently the best guidance I could offer was how clients could insulate themselves from those kinds of mind games. 

Now, with the old order coming down - represented in the tarot by the Death card - those platforms for arrogance could collapse. 

Unemployment, with no way back to that career path, will do it. Did you ever observe a former professional who's been out of work for two years? Beyond humbled. More like broken. Reduction of power and influence has the same sort of impact. When a corporation is acquired the brass at the conquered visibly shrivel. 

So how will arrogance go poof? A major driver is generative AI. This is not about automation of current functions. More typically it's about figuring out how those functions don't create value and making them obsolete. Think about the old-line function of middle manager. 

However, right now, part of the current arrogance is an unawareness of the impact of this technology on whole sectors, as well as individual employment. 

Ironically, on professional anonymous network for techies Blind, for example, what is obvious is the lack of a sense of threat about how that technology can not only lower compensation but also wipe out their entire livelihood. In a post, for instance, Nathan Covey points out that in his interactions with those in tech most blow off the very existence of AI. They aren't even exploring it capabilities.

But among those who are aligned with the times is this kind of response:

"If AI takes SWE [software engineer] jobs, all other white collar jobs are also in danger."

The answer is: They probably are.

Even the chair of law firm Paul Weiss Brad Karp, who has a deep reverence for lawyers and the practice of law, admits that AI could eliminate lawyer jobs. He also discusses what will the growing role of technologists at the firm. 

It is not unthinkable that professional services firms such as law, finance and public relations could mutate into technology businesses. Already Booz Allen, once a consulting firm, is now a technology one.

Whether they are upfront about this or not, many other sector leaders also feel the pressure to implement AI products for cost-savings, both for their business and because of client mandates. The applications can happen in strategy, compliance, governance, financial reporting, product development, sales, public relations and human resources. 

Another driver for bursting the bubble of intellectual arrogance is the Trump administration's skepticism about the mission of universities. That's demonstrated in actual funding cuts with more likely to come.

Right now there's a hiring freeze at institutions of higher education such as Stanford. Not soon after could be the loss of big jobs in administration and professorships. How many have been roughed up, perhaps downright traumatized, by the behavior of academics? They had justified most of that with smugness, that is that they're upholding standards of academic excellence. 

Life is a system of intersecting moving parts. So the gyrations set in play by AI and politics will affect other aspects of the old order of income, power and influence. 

In the carnage, the basics of what it is to be a human being could be restored. The suffering I bear witness to during tarot readings could lessen in scope and intensity. What I manifest is the kind of caring I grew up with in the old neighborhood during the 1950s. It was a wonderful life.

Thriving in crazy times starts from the inside.

Tarot Readings. Intuitive Coaching. Mediumship.

Remote and in-person. Pay what you can afford.

For confidential complimentary consultation please contact Jane Genova at 203-468-8579 (text, voice)  or


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