Career Shift - Letting Go of "Who You Used to Be"
But, as in all the tarot cards, the dynamic is about letting go of what has been. When it involves a necessary career shift that means leaving behind who you used to. Otherwise, the transformation can't take place. There's plenty of truth in the old cliche: One door has to close for a new one to open.
Usually professionals coming in for a tarot reading are in extreme pain. Their former way of making a living is collapsing. Or has collapsed. Yet, they lead in with a detailed round-up of what that was all about. Their former achievements. Their former daily routine. The sacrifices they had made.
Gently, I re-direct the session to how they can leverage the past into a fresh approach for putting together a livelihood. More firmly, I mandate they never again speak about who they used to be.
Nostalgia is an emotion that not only keeps you stuck. In the eyes of others it brands you as a professional who never made the leap into the new order of things. This is a just-in-time economy: What are you doing today to sing for tonight's supper?
When Bob Iger returned to Disney for a second go as CEO he stumbled badly. He was trying to replicate past success. Not figure out how to make the new media landscape profitable for Disney.
If you feel the compulsion to focus on a former identity you have plenty of company. Professional anonymous networks Blind, Fishbowl, Reddit and Glassdoor are jam-packed with laments of having been ABC or EFG for 10 years, now being without a career path for two.
What they could be putting out there for feedback is that, for instance, they are currently working as a security guard in a big box, like it and how can they upgrade this skill into making a good living again. That would take advantage of the collective wisdom of the crowd, instead of only soliciting bits and pieces of empathy. Empathy doesn't move the dial back to making a middle-class wage or opening a business.
US-based law firm Paul Weiss is having a lot of firsts. One is going from nowheresville in M&A to fifth place. Another is establishing a global presence. Although a "lifer" at that firm its chair Brad Karp has shaken off an old-line institutional identity. He has also released himself from his former branding as a Wall Street litigator. Currently he's an empire-builder in a sector in which the new order of things requires: Grow or go.
In the classic on professional change - "Necessary Endings" - Henry Cloud recommends conducting a ritual to facilitate letting go. In the passage from schooling to work, there is a graduation. In career shifts there can be a small memorial, recounting the meaningful moments of the past and manifesting the future. The invites could be those who have already mastered that transformation.
Thriving in crazy times starts from the inside.
Tarot Readings. Intuitive Coaching. Mediumship.
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For complimentary consultation please contact Jane Genova at 203-468-8579 (text, voice) or
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