After the Fall - Genesis Should Be Updated for 2025
Knowledge workers are dropping like flies. They are being laid off or fired. And those jobs and contract assignments are probably not coming back. Too many have nowhere to go.
Those who come to me for tarot readings or intuitive career coaching tend to be full of regret about the decisions they had made. In the tarot that is symbolized by the Five of Cups, the card of spilled milk. Typical is the lament: I made the wrong move. They "confess" that:
They should have done their graduate studies in something more marketable.
Instead of leaving Big Law for a government job they might have just sucked up the lack of WLB.
It was a mistake to ask for a raise in this environment.
They saw "it" - that is, downszing - coming and so they should have begun a job search before the glut of those with similar skills built up in the labor market.
Maybe they are right. Perhaps they did screw up. But as the Five of Cups manifests that's irrevelant.
What is relevant is this: Their extreme pain blinds them to the reality that suffering can be the unique platform for growth. That's what Genesis in the Old Testament misses.
Adam and Eve made the wrong move. They fell hard. But from then on the story is all about a continuation of suffering. For example, one of the their sons turns out to be murderer and the murdered was their other son. Work is not enjoyable but positioned and packaged as the penalty for being human. We are all profoundly flawed.
That scenario doesn't have to happen.
After his fall, which included prison, Wall Street player Michael Milken outdid his former self. Not only did he extend his reach in finance. He rebranded as a philantropist.
It was the failure to be re-elected governor of his home state that forced Bill Clinton to become a much better politico. Eventually he was re-elected for several more terms, then for two as US President.
My own very wrong move was not moving quickly enough out of a line of work which had become glutted. Once a star in that profession, I became a bottom-feeder. The edge I developed was the insight to never again indulge in magical thinking: Deluded I assumed the good old days would return. Currently I daily size up how the brutal law of supply and demand is operating.
Genesis could have become an inspirational platform for how to make pain transformative. That is, if it featured the blossoming of Adam and Eve after the fall. They could have emerged as models of leadership. But instead they were featured as shameful. There should be no shame in being our human screw-up selves.
Thriving in crazy times starts from the inside.
Tarot Readings. Intuitive Coaching. Mediumship.
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Genova at 203-468-8579 (text, voice) or
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