2025 Radical Reality: Finding Purpose Beyond Work and Redefining What It Is to Be a Human Being

Work as vocation. Not just a job. From the days when the Puritans were creating the most powerful economy in the world, we have approached what we do to earn a living as almost a sacred ritual. In Leaders Magazine, the head of Paul Weiss Brad Karp describes the law firm as "purpose driven." Karp's approach to leadership has a reverential quality. 

That's why in tarot readings I'm hearing the pain of those who no longer can find purpose in their work. Capitalism has mutated - and this is global - into a cost-efficient machine hell-bent on maxing profits. It's aggressively grabbing on to the advantages made possible through generative AI. Meanwhile knowledge, which we white-collars got highly educated for, has become a commodity. Remember that meme: A mind is a terrible thing to waste? That can be reset as: The mind is a lot less marketable. 

In essence, the current workforce has become the First Lost Generation in America about the spiritual value and the emotional satisfaction they expect from working. That catastrophe is captured by the Tower card in the Tarot. 

What I recommend is difficult for clients to absorb: Develop a sense of purpose beyond work. 

That, of course, is not the American work ethic of being almost one-dimensional about our work mindsets. My advice, though, is not original. 

The concept of Universal Basic Income is being developed to provide financial stipends to those who will not be working, at least not in the traditional way of earning a living. Instead, they will receive income for contributing to society in other ways. Those could range from art to volunteering to assist the elderly or disabled children. 

Meanwhile, many still have to earn a living. More and more will have to do that without a sense of purpose about the work per se. This could usher in a new kind of spiritual revolution. Collectively and individually we'll be establishing a very different way of approaching what it is to be a human being. 

Being a human being starts from the inside.

Tarot Readings. Intuitive Coaching. Mediumship.

Remote and in-person. Sliding Scale Fees

For complimentary consultation please contact Jane Genova at 203-468-8579 (text, voice)  or janegenova374@gmail.com.


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