Shaking Off Regret - What ChatGPT Recommended

There's so much turmoil in careers. No surprise, those in torment about what's going on in their workplace are coming to tarot readings. Mostly they want to deal with their regret about not going with Opportunity ABC or blowing Opportunity GHI. Currently they are miserable.

 That feeling is displayed in the Five of Cups - the card of Spilled Milk.

On their behalf I went to ChatGPT to find out what the collective wisdom might be. Well, the ChatGPT guidance was mostly cliche. (No competition from OpenAI for my tarot reading business.)

The one piece that was useful is this: Set new goals. No matter the past, the present is always there for a fresh beginning. 

For example, you might have backed off from starting your own online business, which would demand a lot of time, and stuck with a day job leading nowhere. That was because you live in a HCOL (high cost of living) area and can't take the risk of earning less, even temporarily. Also, you're aging. You hear that about half of the homeless are 50 years of age or older.

Well, there is a solution, one more and more are taking. As I explain in this article published in O'Dwyer's Public Relations, an option is relocating to a LCOL (low cost of living) area. Since the enterprise is remote, that's doable. For survival funding there are myriad part-time jobs, in-person gigs and remote freelance whatevers. Many are known for hiring those over-50.  Just look around Walmart and Home Depot. You might be able to put that in play via job platforms before you even get there. The one on Craigslist - Sites is easy to navigate.

Where to relocate? First narrow down your choices to where you think you would like to live. Then key in on the internet, for example, "Arizona - cheap places to live" or "Birmingham, Alabama - cheap places to live."

You can shop for the apartment online and even complete the transactions entirely that way. A DIY shipping method for your household goods, such as renting a truck, is the most cost-effective. Hook your car on the back. Meanwhile sell what you can, both in-person with a yard sale and online such as through Craigslist or Nextdoor. Donate the rest to charity. If you advertise it as "free" it will go fast.

Along the way, low-cost motels range from Motel 6 to Super Eight. Usually you have to ask for any Senior discount. They tend not to provide it unless you request it.

In April 2014 I pulled out of the New York Metro area onto I-95. There I was, on the way west to Arizona. My four-legged son LOVE bunked free at Motel 6. Within months, the three enterprises I had founded were humming along. 

Jane Genova * Tarot Card Reader * Intuitive Coach * Medium.

Success Starts From Within

Fees custom-made for your budget. For an appointment, please contact or text/phone 203-468-8579. Remote or In-person.



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