Your Semiretirement: Don't Be Bullied into Being a Volunteer

 "But I don't want to do any volunteer stuff. Yeah, my career is over but there's still money to be made from working."

That client for a tarot reading was essentially asking me for "permission" to bypass the "ought" of being a volunteer once you're not working full-time.

Meanwhile it is standard for someone to come for a tarot reading to ask "permission" for some other kind of decision.

How could a society come to this inability to take charge of their lives? After all, our Founding Fathers the Puritans didn't take crap from anyone. They were wonderful misfits who did their own thing. A byproduct of that was that they created what had been the most successful global economy.

The way back to not taking crap, including not complying with oughts, is to accept how flawed we human beings are. William Shakespeare wrote all about that. We will make so many mistakes, be so self-indulgent in our choices and how much to regret. In the tarot the Five of Cups card depicts the latter:

So what? That doesn't have to matter much any more. 

Jane Genova * Tarot Card Reader * Intuitive Coach * Medium.

Your Wellness Starts From Within

For an appointment, please contact or text/phone 203-468-8579.


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