Better Do Your Karmic Work Now - Research Indicates Reincarnation Probable

Traditional religions like Roman Catholicism try to keep us moral in this life by warnings of eternal damnation for our sins once we die. 

Well, in philosophies which are based on karma - the concept that our thoughts and actions shape our destiny in this life and the next - there is also the "threat" that we better be right-living since we will face the consequences of how we went about our lives in the next ones. Yes, that is plural. The period of time in which we work on some of our flaws is known as reincarnation. And there can be any number of rounds of that.

In this evidence-based era many have derided notions of reincarnation. After all, there didn't seem to be any proof. But, it turns out, there has been. 

The media reports:

"A study conducted by US Army Intelligence has suggested that reincarnation is real because consciousness 'never dies.' [That's] entitled 'Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process ...",' 

That research was done in 1983 and declassified by the CIA in 2003.

In addition, it is becoming known that the University of Virginia's Medical School Division of Perceptional Studies has a database of 2,500 cases of people reporting reincarnation. Much of that deals with children remembering details of a previous life. 

However, as I discuss with clients for tarot readings, karmic justice can occur in the lives we are living right now. I witness the possibilities of that in the painful medical conditions which can overtake those who have a track record for treating others badly. Therefore part of wellness is to keep a lid on our dark side.

Jane Genova * Tarot Card Reader * Intuitive Coach * Medium.

Your Wellness Starts From Within

For an appointment, please contact or text/phone 203-468-8579.



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