What Does It Mean to "Be in the Moment" and What You're Missing When You're Not

There was a story floating around years ago about very talented but also very troubled star Judy Garland. In her comeback appearance, it was said, that when the audience went wild with applause, Garland muttered, "I'm sorry I missed that." That is, she was not there in the moment. Her very being was elsewhere. 

Obviously Garland, given her fragile sense of self, had disassociated. So, she wasn't present for what could have been a peak moment in her career. 

That was a sad consequence of not being in the moment. But it wasn't serious, as with couples who aren't really there when they interact. Eventually, since they don't pick up on all the cues, they can wind up blindsided when the marriage or partnership unravels. In our Tarot readings, they confide they didn't see any red flags. 

"Being in the moment" means being aware what is going on right then and there, without hindering perception with the blinders of an agenda, wishful thinking or downright delusion. "Not being in the moment," said Cochise Zen Center master Hye Mun (Barry Briggs) is esentially not perceiving what is actually happening in the moment."

In careers, the ramifications of not being there in the right-now can be equally serious. There are those who are "stunned" when the meeting is scheduled with their manager and human resources and, at it, they are terminated. 

Along the way they had been a closed social system, not able to allow in the signals that they were losing support, credibility, power and influence on the job. Many come to a Tarot session initially with regret about that "spilled milk." 

But in the transformational process of breaking open they learn how, like athletes under performance pressure, to change the channel in their heads to focus in the now. When they feel they are drifting into illusion, they are able to nudge themselves to "snap out of it" and take in what is going down. Yes, that might not be pleasant. 

Those known as "political" tend to get ahead, hold on to what they got and move toward better opportunities because they maintain an open social system. They are aware of the just-in-time messaging. They interpret the signals correctly. They do appropriate course correction to align with current dynamics. 

It is no coincidence that one of the most extraordinary careers in the legal sector has been by law firm Paul, Weiss chair Brad Karp who toyed in college with the career path of running for Congress. Although he opted for law school and joining an elite law firm that openness to realities seems to have been the platform for building and growing success. 

Part of Karp's signature is his ability to size up a situation and respond in the now. Incidentally, he has been on the front lines of Democratic Party Miracle of Election 2024. As Financial Times puts it:

"‘Unnerved’ Donald Trump struggles to respond to Kamala Harris candidacy"

What can get in the way in the signals being transmitted? 

Often it's that the human being is too out there, that is, is sucking up too much of the oxygen. There is not much personal energy left over to attend to the complexity of how people are interacting with each other. That is especially the situation in high-stakes contexts ranging from intimacy to careers. Usually strong starts in dating and professional life derail in just that way. 

Jane Genova * Tarot Card Reader * Intuitive Coach * Medium.

Opening Yourself to Inner Peace, Self-Love and New Success

Deep Listening and Compassion.

For an appointment, please contact janegenova374@gmail.com or text/phone 203-468-8579.



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