Love May Not Be in the Cards, At Least, Not Right Now

 I could be putting myself out of business.

So many of my clients struggle with the search for love. Yet, I am suggesting that they press the pause on that pursuit, at least for the time being. Instead of being consumed by what it takes to "date" why not just plunge totally into their own lives, at least for now.

That option is featured in the current edition of Atlantic Magazine. 

It isn't that anyone should "give up" on finding a soulmate. Also no one should be tossing at anyone platitudes about the supposed joys of single life. That's not for everyone.

The point is this: Assuming that a search at this time 1) must be undertaken and 2) conducted with relentless activity can actually be counterproductive. The vibes are simply too intense. The process is way too goal-oriented. Those pulled into that force field - prospective partners - usually become uncomfortable and exit.

That pause is symbolized in the Tarot by the Four of Swords. As many know, swords in the Tarot represent thinking. The card's message is to turn off the switch for so much cognitive activity about finding love.

Yes, I encourage confidence in the long-term ability to connect with the person of one's dreams. However, it is unwise to put that on a deadline. The most frequent question I am asked is: When will I meet him or her? The answer is downright mystical: When the time is right.

Jane Genova * Tarot Card Reader * Intuitive Coach * Medium.

Opening Yourself to Inner Peace, Self-Love and New Success

Deep Listening and Compassion.

For an appointment, please contact or text/phone 203-468-8579.


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