Forced Out! - From Joe Biden, Back to Nixon Hatchet Man Charles Colson

Joe Biden has begun to air his grievances about being pushed out from continuing a campaign for reelection. We students of Shakespeare (I had taught the bard's memes at the University of Michigan) might see in this development a bit of King Lear. After the king had lost it all, he lamented that he was more sinned against than sinning.

Biden can continue with his public display of self-pity or he can pause. 

A key card in the Tarot is the Four of Swords. In the Tarot swords represent how we think. And the card's message is to press the pause button on all that chatter in the head. That is, our monkey mind. That opens up the possibility of connecting the dots in fresh ways.

The path on this which Biden takes could provide lessons - both negative and positive - to so many of us who have, yes, been forced out. 

In my Tarot readings I bear witness to the pain of those who have been forced out of relationships, housing situations, jobs and even careers.

Much of that suffering comes from being pushed into what is called The Place of Not Knowing. In today's meditation session at the Cochise Zen Center, Bisbee, Arizona Zen Master Hye Mun (Barry Briggs) talked about that uncomfortable place of being.

However, this probably won't bring comfort to Biden but it is also in the cards: The recent upheaval in the political status quo also shifts myriad others into a place of not-knowing. 

Think about it: No one, not Kamala Harris, not Tim Walz, not old-line politico Nancy Pelosi, not fundraiser Paul, Weiss chair Brad Karp, not master strategist James Carville and not newly political Melinda French knows what ROI they will receive on their post-Biden activities. 

If they are not astute players and the election is lost to the Democratic Party their investment could yield a negative return. In America, winning is everything. Not winning or even being in the loop of not winning can brand you a loser.

Pausing has many forms. 

It was in prison that a special counsel to Richard Nixon Charles Colson found new purpose. Before, that had essentially been to conjure up dirty tricks to enhance the power of his boss. After his release, as an evangelical Colson created unique helping relationships with those such as inmates who were tough to "reach."

No, there is no underestimating the extreme distress of the universe's snatching from you your piece of the action. But you can hold off additional suffering by doing a very UnAmerican thing: Nothing, at least for the time being. 

Politicos with comebacks, such as Andrew Cuomo, usually retreat into what's called the "wilderness." During that pause they can empty out the past and start to put together a future. Incidentally, Cuomo may have another comeback in him.

Jane Genova * Tarot Card Reader * Intuitive Coach * Medium.

Opening Yourself to Inner Peace, Self-Love and New Success

Deep Listening and Compassion.

For an appointment, please contact or text/phone 203-468-8579. 


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