Not Always Looking for a Solution - It's Okay to Just Vent


No, coming to a Tarot readings doesn't mean you have to present yourself for a solution. That particular day you might just need to vent in a confidential context. 

Through email, for example, you discovered your significant other may have been involved with someone else. You have to dump the shock. But you are not ready to review your options. And then you wrap up the session with the emotional uplift of having been heard, with no possibility of what you disclosed becoming gossip.

This is America, the land of extreme pragmatism, dating back to the Puritans. The assumption is that we should be always moving towards solutions. Often such activity is premature. We might have to work through the initial confusion and pain. We might not have much data. We have yet to research options. And we might have vent.

Meanwhile talk itself can be a "starter" process for evenually making decisions. With my own Zen Master teacher I talked for 18 months about the decline of demand/compensation in my former career path. Then one morning I woke up and knew what steps I had to take. 

In the Tarot there is the Pause Card - the Four of Swords. 

Jane Genova * Tarot Card Reader * Intuitive Coach * Medium.

Opening Yourself to Inner Peace, Self-Love and New Success

Deep Listening and Compassion.

For an appointment, please contact or text/phone 203-468-8579.

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