Everyone Can Channel the Power of Mediumship - Interview with Medium/Tarot Reader Ally Prefontaine

From Vogue to The New York Times, there is plenty of advice on becoming your own Tarot reader. But there has been very little about the mediumship – that is, connecting with those, ranging from humans to animals, who have passed over. Yet, as with interpreting the 78 cards in the Tarot deck, everyone can be a Medium.

Medium Ally Prefontaine, who is also a Tarot Reader, provides workshops titled “Discovering Mediumship.” After I attended one of those amazing presentations at Strega, Sierra Vista, Arizona, I had the Ah-Ha moment: Ally is the perfect interview to open the door to everyone about participating in this kind of mystical connection. Ally’s practices her healing arts in-person throughout southeastern Arizona and globally via the blessings of technology.


Jane: Ally, thank you for being with us. Let’s begin at the beginning. What is “mediumship” and how did you become involved?

Ally: It’s my pleasure. Thank you so much, Jane, for the opportunity to share mediumship with others.

Mediumship is an innate ability to communicate with energies of those who have passed over.

I believe we are all born with this capability. It is not strictly reserved for those born of a certain lineage. It is in each and every one of us, as we are all spiritual beings.

It’s like singing, we can all sing. Some may not sound as good as others, but we all can do it. Those who develop their voice are better than others.

Your proficiency in connecting with energies depends on your willingness to develop yourself.

As I always say in my classes, the magic you’re looking for is in the work you’re avoiding, meaning there is no wand that can be waved over you to instantly make you a medium. However, there are tools that you can implement to help you develop, which is what I offer in the workshops. But the work and dedication is up to the individual.

We are all born with this capability. Think of children: How many times have you witnessed babies and toddlers babbling, laughing or waving at an unseen energy in a room? They laugh and look at the parents like “What? They are right there! Can’t you see them?”

Children’s natural ability to see spirit has not been suppressed by the “logic” of society. They hear from adults, “It’s your imagination” “There is nothing there, you’re seeing things” or worse yet “Those are ghosts of dead people coming to get you if you are not good”

Without proper support from parents and those around them, children are eventually, inadvertently trained, to believe these “Monsters” live under their beds, in their closets and they are to be feared. This is when we push our natural ability to communicate with spirit aside.

I was one of those who was raised on the fear side of things. Don’t get me wrong, the adults believed in, and openly practiced, spirit communication. However they used it as a control factor in my case. I became afraid of spirit as “they” would punish me if I misbehaved. However as I grew, I realized that fear truly came from the human side, not the spirit side and I began to open myself up.

I got married. It was not a good marriage, but there I was, and I had children. During this time, my spirit guide was quite obviously present.

My boys experienced my spirit guide, Ed. He would play games, in a manner of speaking, with them. Ed was so noticeable, that after my divorce, my ex actually bought us tickets to a John Edward show, hoping to find out “what lived with me”.

To this day, my boys, now 36 and 40 still talk about him, and when my five-year old granddaughter told her dad, when he asked whom she was speaking with in her room, and she replied “my friend Ed” he immediately called me laughing. 

I credit Ed with getting me through those tough times and for keeping my kids out of the bulk of the turmoil.

Now, at sixty-five, I open myself more spiritually every day.  I completely believe in service to others, and teaching psychic and mediumship development is very important to me.

I feel in today’s chaotic and volatile world, it's time to put “spirit” back into spirituality. If I can help someone understand what it is they are experiencing spiritually and to embrace it rather than fear it, then they go forward spreading their light and making the world a better place for us all.

Jane: How can those with no training in mysticism open themselves to becoming a channel to connecting with those who have passed over?

Ally: The answer is to practice. Take classes, research, read.  Practice, practice, practice. Did I forget to say practice?

Reach out to those who already practice. Most are very willing to help you develop. Seek out “one on one” direction. Take what they tell you and work with it. Once you feel you’re ready to move forward, return and ask for the next best step.

Develop a relationship with your spirit guides and ask them for assistance as well. Helping you develop is their primary goal as guides.

There are many mentors out there, learn from them. You must always be careful as there are those who will take advantage, but even they can be a good example of a bad example. You can learn from everyone.

But the key is this: Connect with your higher self. It will never steer you wrong. Your higher self is that being of light that is in you. It’s your soul, your spirit, and you can connect with it by meditative and introspective skills. Meditation, trust and practice are key.

Jane: What kind of formal training is available?

Ally: There are many ways. If you can attend Arthur Findley School in Europe, which most of us can’t, that would be ideal. However for the real world and those of us who struggle to make ends meet, read, go to classes at your local New Age store.

Seek out those with similar beliefs. Find meditation circles. Search online for spiritual churches. There is an online school, called Udemy, with some fabulous mentors teaching courses. Search YouTube. Watch interviews with Jay Shetty and Jefferey Allen, though his is more of manifesting and energy work. Researching alternative choices will give you a variety of knowledge, and you will discover your own path.

Educate yourself and practice, practice, practice. Be aware of those whom you don’t feel comfortable with, if it doesn’t feel right. Trust your intuition. That is your higher-self speaking to you and move on to the next.

There is a lot of credible information out there, you just need to look for it.

Jane: Does being a Medium take a lot out of you?

Ally: Yes, it can if you don’t guard yourself. It’s very important to cleanse and ground in whatever way you find works for you when you are done reading.

Tarot reading can be just as exhausting. It’s an emotional experience for all.

People who come to your for readings are usually at their absolute lowest emotionally. They are seeking validation that life and love go on.

As a medium, you are literally “the middle man”, you are raising your vibration to talk with spirit and getting the messages across to those who are with you. It can be exhausting if you have a difficult sitter especially.

The trick is to stay as high an energy as you can. Don’t let them lower your vibration. But the emotional part of it, if you're empathic, can really take it’s toll. So cleanse, rest and know your limits. Ask your healing guides and personal guides for assistance.

Jane: What are some of the other perils in becoming a channel with the “other side?"

Ally: Well sadly, most perils come from the people around us who feel we are a threat to them. The masses have always been controlled by fear, they fear that we are bad, conjuring up evil demons, and when that happens, be prepared for people being judgmental and critical.

Of course, that is not what we do, we heal those who are hurting.

Spiritually, I, myself, do not believe in evil spirits. The Divine, the Source, God, whatever label you have, is a loving and light filled being, why would there be evil on the other side with them? That side is filled with love, happiness, forgiveness and light.

I believe that evil is on two legs. I have never in all my years had an evil spirit or demon attack me. However, I have had humans cause pain, fear, and panic.

There are lower vibration spirits, these are the ones that need to learn on the other side, ones who allowed ego, the human side of us, to take control. But even they are not evil over there, they are simply a lower vibrational energy as they learn.

If you fear, if you give the idea of “evil” or “demons” power over you, then you will jump at every corner, and flinch at every sound.

If you “believe” someone has put a curse on you or that you have an evil, four eyed, six legged, fire-breathing-pink-unicorn-dragon in your closet, then that is what is going to haunt you, because you gave it the power to do so.

For the record, people are the same way, when you give them the power they can destroy you, when you realize they have no power over you, you can walk away.

Jane: What are the ethical considerations?

Ally: Ethics are huge in mediumship. First off, these people are at their most vulnerable moment with you. There can be deep secrets revealed. They have exhausted every channel they can think of before turning to you. They put their trust in you. What more can I say?

At this point, you are now a spiritual psychologist. These people, depending on the problem, will seek counseling from you and life guidance.

You cannot allow your own feelings to come into play. You cannot be judgmental or speak beyond your level of expertise.

I’ve had some who come in for issues regarding possible past life triggers. You need to provide information, and encouragement on where to seek professional counsel if needed.

Ethics are a must. When doing readings, you have to surrender to spirit and not try to control the conversation. Sometimes, no matter how crazy it may sound, you just present the message, because that is your job.

If you were to try and control the conversation, interjecting your own opinions, theories, and story endings, because it makes no sense to you, then you are letting both the spirit realm and your sitter down. So surrendering control of the conversation is a big part of mediumship.

You need to have emotional intelligence. Gauge in which way you need to communicate with the person before you. Know your client. Be honest, but ever aware of emotional states.

Set boundaries too. You will have people who will come in multiple times a month for readings. They will do this with Tarot as well. This isn’t healthy for them really. Set boundaries, to perhaps once a month. More frequently isn’t going to do them or you any good.

And without doubt, have total honesty with the person about yourself. If you don’t know, tell them. If you can’t read for them, tell them. And, be financially ethical as well. Money is an exchange of energy, but if you cannot provide the service, then be ethical.  

Jane: Let’s get down to business. In this volatile economy more and more are searching for career change. Is it possible to become a full-time Medium?

Ally: Yes, I believe you can. Our world is awakening to spirituality more and more each day. With as crazy as things have been, I see an increase in people wanting to know of the peace and comfort of knowing there is life after death, without all the judgment of the outside world. So yes, there is a place for successful practices.

However, that being said, don’t run out and quit your day job just yet.

You cannot rush into it too quickly. You need to develop yourself first. Then find a store or online or a place where you can develop your practice. You need to get a following or clientele. You need to get your name out.

I would not suggest working from your home. I know some who do successfully, but they have an established clientele and know them well. At first, they worked from a store front, then moved to their home location.

Not everyone has good intentions, so for your safety and that of your family, keep your home location separate from your reading location. I would also suggest having someone in the building with you when you provide readings to clients.

Once you get a steady flow of income, and you will decide financially what that is, then you can consider moving forward a bit.

Until your readings can support you in the way your job does, then you can consider doing it full time. If you are not currently working, retired etc, then that is a different ball game, but still, take it slowly and don’t just jump right in trying to pay your mortgage with it.    

Jane: Thank you, Ally.

Ally: My pleasure, Jane, it’s been fun doing this! I hope that your readers found helpful information.


For those who want to get in touch with Ally Prefontaine for readings, you can contact her at ally_allys@yahoo.com 




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