Ghosts - The Emotional Kind


Sure, we Tarot readers deal with "ghosts" all the time. 

Some ghosts are the ones who have passed over to another dimension and have unfinished business on this one. I focus on moving both parties - those journeying to the other side and the client - to a sense of closure. 

But other ghosts are the emotional kind which clients hang onto. They're the ones which can keep clients stuck in what has hardened into the wreckage of the past. 

The typical emotional ghost is the memory of pain. Perhaps it was what had been experienced as an unfair termination from employment or a betrayal in romance. The pain keeps getting conjured back up until it balloons into a large blockage for growth. There is no learning from the event. And, of course, there is no moving on. 

A free solution for being lifted out of that abyss is attendance, either in-person or on Zoom, at 12-step meetings such as Emotions Anonymous and CoDependents Anonymous. For instance, here is a daily listing of the latter - online Coda meetings. 

The "Promises" of the 12 steps, derived from the spiritual model of Alcoholics Anonymous, include being liberated from earlier pain. Essentially you are freed up to "turn over" that pain to your own version of a higher power. No longer do you have to wrestle with it. In Tarot readings we usually refer to that force field as the universe or spirit.

Tarot Card Reader. Intuitive Career Coach. Medium.

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