Starting to Peak in Your 70s

 "Everything is going my way."

That's what a 73-year-old new entrepreneur blurted out during our Tarot session. 

There are no coincidences. He pulled The Wheel of Fortune Card. The shift was profound. 

Increasingly I am hearing from those over-65 that this stage of life is the best of times. For most it is the first time they are starting to "peak." 

There are a number of reasons for this. Research, for example, shows that in general satisfaction with life increases post-65. We have known that for a while. There is also, even when still working for income, the backing off from the pressures of extreme ambition. No longer are you constantly comparing yourself to others and feeling that you are coming up short. Simple pleasures such as a deep conversation with someone who knows how to listen and respond mean more than possessing the status symbols of the middle years.

In addition, what I have noticed is the influx of real gratitude. Overall, you are amazed that you are still alive and functioning so well. You are also thankful that you have been able to forgive others and yourself. There is less regret about what didn't work out in the past. And, more and more of you feel so fortunate that you can pick up a few bucks or more than a few working at this and that. 

Yes, you can continue the momentum of peaking. The key is maintaining a grateful heart. That ensures you are open to possibility.

Tarot Card Reader. Intuitive Career Coach.

Don’t Give Up Before the Miracle.

Empathy and compassion.

No-pressure complimentary consultation about the answers you need. Then, fees custom-made for your budget.

For an appointment, please contact or text 203-468-8579.


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