It Fell Apart - Getting Your Confidence Back (and it's not how you feel)


It happens all the time: a setback. Given the volatile economy, there are plenty of those right now.

You could be lucky and it is a low-profile one. More often it's high-profile. The raw pain of things unraveling is intensified by the jaw-jawing out there about what went wrong for you. 

The toughest part of that experience is the typical loss of confidence. When the wounded come for a Tarot reading they primarily are in the force field of feeling. Wrong. Confidence, just like love, plays out in behavior.

The message from the Tarot is to grab onto something, anything, in which you can achieve. That could be the most-in-demand food deliverer while you're laid off or even fired from management consulting. Your gig employer and customers all like you. Tips are amazing. You are offered extra hours. There may be networking with those who can open professional doors for you.

That means you just don't sit around after a disappointment or even a catastrophe. You figure out how to place yourself in situations in which you can demonstrate how you can showcase your good attitude, skills and ability to keep learning.

Tarot Card Reader. Medium. Intuitive Career Coach.

Don’t Give Up Before the Miracle.

Empathy and compassion.

No-pressure complimentary consultation about the answers you need. Then, fees custom-made for your budget.

For an appointment, please contact or text 203-468-8579.


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