From Royal to Nun - The Extreme Saga of Prince Philip's Mother

Now we have the 54th anniversary of the death of Princess Alice of Battenberg (or as she was also known "Prince Andrew," when she took the name of husband Prince Andrew, a royal in Greece). 

You might already have bonded with her during Series 3 of "The Crown." In an episode she is positioned and packaged as saving the British monarchy from being pushed aside as out-of-touch. And their funding cut. 

Her son Prince Philip (husband of Elizabeth II and father of current King Charles) had done a botched job of trying to make the House of Windsor seem relevant. That was through a BBC documentary. It was soundly knocked. the royals were experienced as wooden. Soon afterward, her interview with the media fixed that wonderfully. My my, this charming nun who compulsively smoked and who had been the wringer over and over again, charmed the pants off the reporter. She was back in England because there was a political coup in Greece. A royal there, she was a target.

As in the messaging of the Tarot the saga of Princess Alice was about, from the get-go at birth in Windsor Castle, the transformative power of adversity. 

She was born deaf. That wasn't diagnosed until she was eight years old. "They" assumed she was slow. The They included Queen Victoria who was her great grandmother.  

Eventually a royal in Greece she and her family had been exiled twice. 

As could have been expected, she cracked up and was separated from her five children. Given the brutal treatment for mental illness in those days, her greatest challenge had been moving on from all that to figuring out a mission. She founded a nursing order of nuns the Christian Sisters of Martha and Mary. Along the way she saved Jews during the Hitler purge.  

Not one of my Tarot clients has as yet such an extraordinary story. But many of them have bumped up against the force field of adversity. At first it winded them. But those who caught back their breath and who remained open have been able to get to the other side of the ordeal with an edge in life and often professionally. 

The good news is that adversity is a gift the universe distributes with abundance. Most of us have a shot at doing something big - and meaningful.

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