Spilled Milk - Who Says?


The saying "spilled milk" came about at a time when milk was very valuable in nutrition. Therefore, to spill it represented what should demand serious notice.

Unfortunately, that concept of spilled milk is embedded in our capitalistic culture. The noise in our heads and from society is about regret. Yes, you better cry over the spilled milk. You better never forget how you screwed up. You ought to fear you will do it again - and again.

However, all that drama assumes that milk has been spilled. The takeaway is supposed to be that a serious mistake has been made and has to be atoned for. 

Yet there's another take on all that. It's to treat all experience as worthwhile. In my former career - ghostwriting/speechwriting - I lived by the reality that everything in life provides "copy." The book I co-published about managing an early career - The Critical First Years of Your Professional Life - is based on my own and others' experiences, how the experts interpreted those and fundamentals of success. So useful it has been to youth, although it was released in the early 1990s, that it is still in print. 

There is also the mystical principle that we are here on planet earth to learn. Therefore, it's weird to classify any experience as a waste. We treasure all experience. And if we are smart and creative we put it to work for us.

Essentially that is what elite law firm Paul Weiss has done. Its signature had been nurturing diversity, within the organization, in society and in its practices such as investigations and audits. For a while, the very term "diversity" signaled virtue. 

Now diversity is under attack, including with lawsuits. Shame on Paul Weiss?

It doesn't think that way. Paul Weiss channeled its experience with diversity into a new practice which assists other businesses caught in this shift: the DEI Strategic Advisory Group. Yes, it positions and packages its own diversity involvement as a plus, as you read here:

"Paul, Weiss offers unique advantages in representing companies and boards facing challenges to their DEI-related efforts and in averting or minimizing future liability. Our firm is renowned for helping companies safely resolve reputation- and franchise-threatening crises and litigation, and our core DEI Strategic Advisory Group is led by the lawyers who pioneered among the nation’s first civil rights and racial equity audit practices." 

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