Generative AI - Tarot's Three of Wands
Generative AI will at the very least reconfigure job functions. The star content-creator has to retrain to be primarily an editor. More often, it can just blow up your entire career path. Depending on who's counting, generative AI will eliminate plenty of jobs. Those jobs aren't coming back.
The Tarot is optimistic. For the impacts of generative AI the Three of Wands is popping up often. The wands represent action. And this particular card celebrates new starts. Yes, that requires action.
After looking at a situation, assessing options and praying the wise choice could be to exit a profession that might be overtaken by generative AI or already has been. To struggle to rescue a good living in a declining type of work may not be in the cards - literally.
Generative AI will usher in an extreme version of disruptions in professions. Disruption itself is not new.
Recall how digital muscled out myriad print journalists. Those who were determined to stay in that game usually wound up being forced out eventually. Had they decided to start over earlier they would have been better off in every facet of their work and financial lives. Their biggest loss while hanging in had been their confidence. Some never rebuilt that.
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