Tarot's Eight of Cups: Walking Away as Your Position of Strength in Business

 It's known as the "Walking Away" card in the Tarot. That is, the Eight of Cups. And, because it is about loss, there's plenty of strong emotion attached to it. Often that emotion is pain.

The cards in the Tarot have multiple messages. There are no "absolute" intepretations. In doing Tarot readings, the message which comes up often in the Eight of Cups applies to a business situation. 

That could be a proposed merger, a job offer, a work context, the purchase of real estate and more. What the client has to know is this: You are in a position of strength if you recognize that, yes, you can walk away from that situation. There's more to that message. That is, if you do walk away you probably will emerge with more confidence.

One client (identity masked) admitted she was "dying" to have a career change from sales to management. An offer from another industry came her way. It would get her totally into management. The wrench in the works was that the compensation was about $20k less than her current gross. She could afford the haircut but wondered if she should. 

The Walking Away card screamed caution. Essentially it projected that she soon would be unhappy with the haircut and the new job would be one she hated. 

She did have the courage to turn down the offer. To her surprise in her sales career during the past few months, despite a slowed-down market, she has improved her performance about 25%. We both attribute that to her increased confidence. She exudes more presence.

In contrast, of course, are too many who didn't walk away. They were obsessed with their "sunk costs" in, for example, the six interviews for a particular job. They assessed they were "unable" to turn down the offer, even if they sensed it was a lousy fit.

Takeaway: The odds are on your side in decision-making if you own the strength to walk away.

Tarot Card Reader. Medium. Intuitive Career Coach.

Don’t Give Up Before the Miracle.

Empathy and compassion.

No-pressure complimentary consultation about the answers you need. Then, fees custom-made for your budget.

For an appointment, please contact janegenova374@gmail.com or text 203-468-8579.


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