Don't Compare Yourself to Leon Black Who Bought "The Scream" for $120 Million

 Novelist and screenwriter F. Scott Fitzgerald was obsessed with The Rich. His famous 1926 quote had been "the rich are different from you and me." That bothered him. 

The gap between where he was financially and in status, power and influence and where they were could have fueled his drinking problem. Ironically, Fitzgerald was established enough in his niche to be celebrated at his death in The New York Times. He was 44 and some speculated it was the result of boozing. 

The Tarot card which captures that desolation of comparing ourselves with others (supposedly better off) is the Five of Wands. That's the kind of response some might be having today when they read in The Wall Street Journal that billionaire Leon Black ponied up $120 million for the painting "The Scream." They could balk at spending $120 on a good meal with a friend. 

The comparison is made without data. No one has any idea what goes on in Black, including his inner life. Probably he doesn't even know. Our human selves usually are an enigma, even to ourselves. That's why every generation produces its own artists to interpret, as Zorba the Greek put it, The Full  Catastrophe. Also, since the 14th century those struggling for some self-awareness have been showing up for Tarot readings. The New York Times salutes the Tarot as a tool for self-awareness. 

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