Own the Evil in You: Meme of Serial Killer Richard Ramirez and Concept Coined By Psychologist Carl Jung

 The Tarot, as The New York Times documented, is about guiding you to self-awareness. Most mistakes, both in relationships and careers, happen because we don't know who we really are.

Part of that awakening should be to recognize our shadow side. We all have it. In the 2016 movie "The Night Stalker" that's labled bluntly "evil." Real-life serial killer Richard Ramirez made ackowledging mankind's inherent evil his meme. Psychologist who broke away from his mentor Sigmund Freud - Carl Jung - coined the concept of the "shadow self" and recommended we all need to do our "shadow work."

Once we own our own darkness it could become possible to forgive ourselves. In my Tarot sessions most clients struggle to reach the state of self-forgiveness. The result is that the emotional set hardens into self-hate. 

We can prevent that by getting it that we are far from perfect. In America, founded by the self-righteous Puritans, that is so hard to admit. Both for ourselves and for others. We expect way too much goodness and light. 

Tarot Card Reader. Medium. Intuitive Career Coach.

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For an appointment, please contact janegenova374@gmail.com or text 203-468-8579.


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