Of Course It Hurts, But Where?

 What drives most human beings to a Tarot card reading is pain. Usually they assume they know its source. For example, they received a "talking to" at work. Immediately they jump to the conclusion that the discomfort they feel is fear of losing their job or reducing the momentum toward climbing the ladder.

Frequently, the Three of Swords card will come up. Yes, that is the pain messenger. But part of that message is to embrace the strength to dig around for the real pain center.

For that professional who received the reprimand the suffering could spring from the recognition that they chose the wrong career path. It isn't the talking to per se that has them so agitated. It's that the trauma triggered a connection with the subconscious that the time is coming to phase out of that line of work. 

You bet, the "threat" of a career change can be scary. Here is my article, published in O'Dwyer's PR, about the difficulty of that process. However the pain of not taking on transition tends to be much worse than making a necessary shift. After all, working for a living can continue until we are in our 70s and 80s.

A Tarot reading can proceed quite efficiently if this question is asked: Where is my pain coming from?

Tarot Card Reader. Medium. Intuitive Career Coach.

Empathy and compassion.

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For an appointment, please contact janegenova374@gmail.com or text 203-468-8579.


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