Wall Street: Risk Has Become Personal

 Wall Street careers are shaped by success in sizing up and exploiting risk. Now, with the ongoing layoffs, those financial professionals who are now jobless hit up against risk that's personal: Figuring out how to land and hold comparable jobs. There are bills to pay. There is a new professional identity to graft on.

Suppose a former Goldman Sachs financial professional came for a Tarot reading. There are no coincidences. What is a likely pull is The Fool card. Its core message is being bold but calculating about risk. To do that, explans Jessica Dore in the 2021 book "Tarot for Change," you have to ditch preoccupation with what others might think or say. 

Specifically Dore notes:

"You have to get out from beneath the structure of ideas about what's orderly. You have to get okay with looking silly and being misunderstood."

Often the worst source of guidance during unemployment are those on what your network used to be. Smart is reaching out to a whole new sphere of information and influence. The old-line term for that is "exiting your comfort zone." 

What about a career change? For some forced off Wall Street that might be necessary. Here is the article I published in O'Dwyer's Public Relations about the risks (and rewards) in that. 

Smart intuitive career and communications coaching, including using the Tarot. Try it, with a five-minute complimentary session. Totally confidential. Then fees customized for your unique budget.

Please make an appointment with janegenova374@gmail.com



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