Risk Can Be Risky - Bud Light's Alissa Heinerscheid Takes Leave of Absence

The era of the entrepreneur such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates evolved into the mandate for all professionals to be entrepreneurial. Part of that has been to embrace risk-taking. And that has been the rallying cry in business. In the Tarot it's symbolized the major arcana card The Fool. 


Along the way that drive to take risks masked this reality: Risk is risky. That's why The Fool warns risk-takers to be calculating about stepping out of the zone of the status quo.


The riskiness of risk played out in brutal fashion at Bud Light. Marketing genius Alissa Heinerscheid has taken a leave of absence after featuring transgender Dylan Mulvaney in a promotion which resulted in a loss of about $6 billion. Hired in 2022 to update Bud Light she had created the wildly successful Super Bowl commercial featuring the female as part of the Bud Light experience. 


That was then. Now is now. Obviously she bet wrong. Taking over her job is Todd Allen. Not many of us expect her to return to Bud Light. That error of judgment has been right up there with the New Coke. 


In engaging our clients in a Tarot reading we help them recognize the range of consequences for their choices and if they can handle all that. When in doubt, leave it out. There is no such thing as destiny. There is only behavior whose impacts often cannot be reversed. 


Tarot Card Reader. Medium. Intuitive Career Coach.

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For an appointment, please contact janegenova374@gmail.com or text 203-468-8579.



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