Laid Off - Why So Shocked?

 A memorable meme from the 1964 film "Zorba the Greek" is life as the full catastrophe. 

The oldest of us boomers were in college. That dark perception of life, along with the grim subject matter we were ingesting, clashed with the Hallmark/Disney ethos we were brought up with right after World War II. 

Surprisngly, though, there remains a current happy-clappy expectation how life should play on. Evidence of that is what comes out of the recent The Wall Street Journal article on being laid off. Many who were approached for an interview were too undone by the termination to agree to talk about it. The majority of those who did participate were also undone. 

Yet, jobs are lost all the time. Even in our boomer time that usually was a reality. However, frequently getting the ax could be kept secret. Yes, there was stigma.

Currently most of the stigma is gone but the sense of shocking disruption is not. There seems to have been no mindset of life - including work - being a catastrophe.

The optimistic part of that in the film, in experience, and in the Tarot, is that we are equipped to not only navigate that ordeal but learn plenty from it. That's captured in the Tarot's Wheel of Fortune card. If we surrender to what is - continual change, not all postive - we don't need to be spun around as in clothes dryer by circumstances.

Zorba could snatch joy from the whatevers. Overall the message of the 78 cards of the Tarot is assurance of the ability to absorb pain and transform it into the best teacher we have ever encountered.

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