Coming Undone - It's the Relationship, Not the Career or Even Money Per Se

"Conn. man killed girlfriend over affair, drove body to police ..."

 New York Post, April 19, 2023

Yes, it's the relationship which unhinges human beings. In capitalist America you might have expected people to unravel when they experience a setback in their professional lives or are unable to simply pay bills. 

That was my assumption when I began providing Tarot readings. My special area of expertise is careers. For example, I lectured at the New York State Bar Association to assist over-50 unemployed lawyers. My objective was to introduce a fresh perspective about they could continue to earn a good living.

Very quickly I got it: Emotioinal distress usually is about a relationship. The Tarot session might have started out with anxiety about an aspect of work life. Soon enough it veers into a deeper concern about the sustainability of some kind of human attachment. That could range from the romance to a supposed close friendship. If there has been disappointment, betrayal, abandonment, or ghosting the suffering could be profound.

There is nothing mystical about the solution. It's acceptance of the innate flawed nature of the human being. That includes ourselves.

William Shakespeare labeled that condition "cankered in the grain." 

The Roman Catholic Church calls it "original sin." 

Spiritual leaders allude to mankind's "shadow side." 

12-step programs refers to that as "character defects."

No, we shouldn't expect too much from our fellow human beings. In addition, we can't overload any one attachment with all our needs.

In the major arcana the Tarot cards representing acceptance of what is include Strength and the Hanged Man. 

In the "bible" of 12-step programs "The Big Book," page 417 reads: 

“When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, or situation – some fact of my life – unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation ...” 

Acceptance" could mean that the relationship, good and bad, has run its course. That is, it has served its purpose in teaching lessons. That tutorial is over, at least for the present time. Incidentally, we may be the ones who decide that the bond has reached the point of diminishing returns and it's in our self-interest to move on.

Tarot Card Reader. Medium. Intuitive Career Coach.

No-pressure complimentary consultation about what you want. Then, fees custom-made for your budget.

For an appointment, please contact or text 203-468-8579.


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