Tarot - Safe from AI Chatbots, At Least for Now

 Wharton Business School professor Christian Terwiesch conducted research which confirmed that a version of AI chatbots can perform the strategic thinking as well as the actual operations of the professional with the M.B.A. degree. Here is that research which describes how ChatGPT performed in the final exam at Wharton for the Operations Management course.


The grade Terwiesch gave was between a "B" and "B-." Two main findings are:


" ... it does an amazing job at basic operations management and process analysis questions including those that are based on case studies. Not only are the answers correct, but the explanations are excellent ...  [It] is remarkably good at modifying its answers in response to human hints."


Where it needs work is with basic math. That showed up in simple calculations way too often. Also it fell short in advanced process analysis questions. 

So, as we say in business, what's the bottom line on this?


Obviously, eventually chatbots could take over the tasks of a trained M.B.A. graduate. AI is a technology which is capable of learning and applying that learning.


The fourth version of ChatGPT will be released in several months. If Terwiesch has ChatGPT4 take another final exam it might be able to raise its grade to "A." Those following chatbots predict big leaps in results from ChatGPT4.


So, the M.B.A. degree could become obsolete. The tasks it empowers humans to carry out can be mostly automated. Graduate schools of business such as Wharton, Harvard, and Stanford could be shuttered.


Specifically Terwiesch states in the abstract to the publication of his research:


"OpenAI’s Chat GPT3 has shown a remarkable ability to automate some of the skills of highly compensated knowledge workers in general and specifically the knowledge workers in the jobs held by MBA graduates including analysts, managers, and consultants."


That’s where we are with M.B.A. training and the value-added those with the degree created for their employers and clients. It doesn't look good for the jobs at stake.


Now, what about law schools and the grunt work of law firm associates? If those are the next to go poof, finally access to justice could become a level playing field.


Look at this, reported by Bloomberg Law. It’s what elite law firms have their associates bill at per hour:


Kirkland & Ellis -  $1,395

Paul Weiss - $1,380
AkinGump - $1,250

Brown Rudnick $975

By ChatGPT6 or ChatGPT7, the fee for access to legal guidance could boil down to what a subscription to the service costs. Currently it is free as the business figures out how to monetize it. It is not unthinkable that chatbots will do actual representation in legal actions. Partners could be sent out to pasture.


So much more disruption could take place. It’s already so out there that content-creation will not be a human industry by 2025. That is, 90% of it. Also no longer Sci-Fi that the whole continuum of what we know as “public relations” could be eliminated. Do we need Richard Edelman of Edelman Public Relations any more to measure “trust” and report back to us?


Me? I have already been through the wringer, one set in playby digital per se. At first digital made me a brandname. Then twice prospects brutally assessed my expertise as “Writers are a dime a dozen.”


It took too long but in 2022 I navigated from earning even part of my living from content-creation. I made it my business to put my full-time focus on intuitive coaching. So far the chatbots haven’t come to snatch away how I am able to pay my bills and sock away some for when I can no longer work. It is going well. I have been able to tap into the mysticism trend. Clients have the option to request Tarot readings as part of the coaching session.


And you, the knowledge worker? Should you begin considering a career change? Most knowledge professions are vulnerable to the impacts of AI. Here is the article I published on career change in O’Dwyer’s Public Relations. Yes, it is a difficult transition. However, if you are a professor at Warton, et al., you might be on short time.

Smart intuitive career and communications coaching, including using the Tarot. Try it, with a five-minute complimentary session. Totally confidential. Then fees customized for your unique budget.

Please make an appointment with janegenova374@gmail.com 



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