Hardest Thing About Working/Searching for Work Right Now - Wait and See

" ... it goes against our nature to 'wait and see' when we're in a situation we'd rather not be in." - From the Chapter "The Hanged Man" in TAROT FOR CHANGE, by Jessica Dore.

The message from The Hanged Man card in the Tarot is twofold:

1) Not doing anything is the only smart strategy

2) You have the strength and the protection from the Universe to navigate that time of uncertainty.

Of course, pressing the pause button seems downright Un-American. Our national ethos is taking action. But given what is the new usual in the workplace and in the search for work not taking action is what is required. Posts and comments on those Professional Anonymous Networks, ranging from Blind to Reddit to Fishbowl, capture the howl about having to, yes, wait and see.

Who isn’t wondering:

Will there be a layoff?

Does being put on the Proposal for Improvement of Performance really boil down to form of Quiet Firing?

I have had 2 interviews. They "say" they are impressed. But they haven't gotten back to me. Am I being ghosted or is this how they do things now?

How much longer should I keep applying for journalism jobs in this glutted market before I research getting certified in another career path? 

Actually these ambiguous states of affairs mirror much of life. Rarely if ever are there absolute answers. Existence on planet earth usually isn't binary:

Marry him or don't marry him.

Buy this house or that house.

Move your business out of the New York Metro area to Alabama or not. 

More often the next consists of the intersections of lots of gray.

That's why The Chariot Card in the Tarot warns to cool it on so much strategic thinking and investing extreme energy and will power. Instead, reach into the unconscious to discern where the variables are and could come together. In the counterculture jargon, that was called "Going with the Flow." Currently that’s labeled “being opportunistic.”

Here is a telling anecdote. What stood out in an Insider interview with the chairman of law firm Paul Weiss Brad Karp was this: He put out there the possibility that he might retire when his contract expires in May 2023. However, he was not ready to make a decision because, he said: Lot could happen between the time of the interview and spring 2023. Yes, Karp is taking the wait and see approach.

It is so human, though, to want to leap into action. That does provide relief from the emotional confusion. 

Yet, proceeding prematurely can worsen a negative situation. Those kinds of consequences are manifested in WELCOMING THE UNWELCOME. That's by American Buddhist nun Pema Chodron. The book is a guide how to become comfortable with what's not at all within our comfort zones. 

Another kind of path you can take toward a needed shift in mindset and behavior is the hands-on training of Dale Carnegie Systems.  When my industry became glutted Dale Carnegie instructor and national coach Michael Francoeur (michael.francoeur@dalecarnegie.com) led me out of the habitual perspectives and formulaic must-dos to options. That entailed tolerating not being comfortable.

Takeaway: Give time time.

Tarot Card Reader. Medium. Intuitive Career Coach.

No-pressure complimentary consultation about what you want. Then, fees custom-made for your budget.

For an appointment, please contact janegenova374@gmail.com.



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