That Need for a Career Change - It Probably Hasn't Made It from Your Subconscious to Pragmatic Realities
" ... change often begins with precontemplation, which is before you know that change needs to be made, and moves from there to contemplation, preparation, action ...[and] after to adjust to your new life." - From Chapter "Wheel of Fortune" from the 2021 book TAROT FOR CHANGE by Jessica Dore.
This is a volatile era in the world of work. Whole industries such as the PC category are downsizing and could be on their way to extinction. Others are in such a desperate crunch to improve earnings that they are reducing, probably permanently, manpower. Some startups will never get off the ground given that so much funding has dried up. Your dream of being an entrepreneur became derailed.
What those realities have triggered is a need for career change that most professionals aren't aware of on the conscious level. But it is swimming around in the subconscious.
The New York Times highlighted the Tarot as a tool for digging up the content that produces self-knowledge. The April 2021 NYT's article provides information how you can do your Tarot reading DIY. Here is my 5-step instructional for you to be your own Tarot reader.
What your Tarot reading, either DIY or by a professional reader such as myself, could introduce will be the Wheel of Fortune card. That contains the message of continual change, whether you welcome it or not. But part of the optimism of the Tarot is that the subtext of that message is this: You will be able to navigate that change, learn key lessons, and transform it into a platform on which to establish other necessary shifts.
Right now career change might be a must-do. But maybe not. Opening yourself to the Universe through the Tarot can unlock the pros and cons of that.
Tarot Card Reader. Medium. Intuitive Career Coach.
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