Of Course, Everyone Knows (except maybe you) - Tarot's High Priestess Card

 The genius of the mystical Tarot is not only its wisdom. But also the gentleness in raising content out of the human subsconscious.

For example, the High Priestess card brings the awareness that there are no secrets. At least from the world. Although we might manage for a while to keep those from ourselves, at least for a while. Eventually, we crack. We can no longer absorb the pain of the disconnet between who we assume we are and what is really going on inside our being.

Human beings can only survive through instinct. So, although many don't think of themselves as intuitive, they have to be. And are. So, they pick up on what we are considering is hidden. 

Yes, that top executive with a getaway in the Hamptons is not happy. His body language and the lack of light in his eyes are among the "tells." The mother who doesn't continually touch her child showcases her ambivalence about that responsibility. The writer who doesn't carefully proofread indicates a lack of belief in her ability. Otherwise the needed extra effort would have been invested in the work product.

When we are not aware of the signals we are giving off we make ourselves vulnerable. In a sense we are handing over our "trade secrets."

The New York Times salutes the Tarot as a tool to learn about ourselves. Here is my article on DIY Tarot readings. If you feel it would be useful to have a professional reading, I am always here. First, let's talk a bit about yourself. No charge. Then you can decide if you want to enter this mystical dimension. (Arrange an appointment janegenova374@gmail.com). Career issues are on so many minds. 

In transition in your career? Need more income? Healing from a professional setback? I can help you through Intuitive career coaching.

“On the menu” of services are Tarot readings, both spreads and one-card pulls. In April 2021, The New York Times featured the Tarot as a useful tool for self-awareness and introspection.

Complimentary consultation. Fees Custom-made for Your Budget. Please contact janegenova374@gmail.com or text 203-468-8579. Website: https://janegenovaintuitivecareercoaching.blogspot.com/


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