Maybe Under All That Angst, There's a Fun Person - Tarot's Three of Cups

It's come to this in our problem-oriented capitalist society: People actually need permission to experience joy. From the get-go they are socialized to identify problems, then find solutions. Not much time in their developmental processes are "wasted" on how to conjure up wonderment. And, you bet, they assume they can't make an appointment for a Tarot reading unless they are stuck inside some kind of problem.


So, a core blessing of being a Tarot reader is that now and then mystical forces turn up the Three of Cups. That features three women lifted up into the state of the lightness of being. Their body language, facial gestures, and sway of their garments signal being immersed in pleasure. 


Just as for clients, that Three of Cups card pull is a treat for me. 


Coming of age in a working class neighborhood in pre-gentrified Jersey City, New Jersey, all I knew was relentless striving. In addition, religion hammered guilt and sacrifice. Aside from the smiles on babies faces - which would vanish fast enough in the oppressive grade schools - there was no joy prompts. 


Holidays? Those were wrapped in angst about spending too much money and focusing on how to slow down the men from drinking too much. 


Pain was a virtue. Anything else signaled you were heading in the wrong direction. 


Studying the Tarot, beginning in Salem, Massachusetts, gave me permission - the same permission I deliver to clients - to feel my way out of the pain box. All I knew was that life needed be structured as continuing exercises in solving problems.


Now I know: Yes, as The Fool card symbolizes, we can approach this time around on planet earth as an adventure. Take risks. Make mistakes. Laugh at those mistakes. No need to apologize. Feel joy that we are tough cookies who survived the All Thats.


The New York Times advocates Tarot readings for getting to know yourself. In the process you might find that you are a fun person. Others will be attracted to your joy aura.


Sure, make an appointment for a Tarot reading. Fees custom-made for your budget. Please contact





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